The Mane 6

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"Don't worry I promise I'll do some research and we'll get you home." The alicorn was speaking about how she would help me get home, but when she said "we" I got very confused. "Who do you mean by we miss?" I asked her oh so gently. "Oh yeah that I will explain in a moment." I still looked at her very confused, but I knew I could trust her by the expression on her face.
Twighlight's POV
This little filly claims she comes from space, which to me is hard to believe. She was just sitting there under the tree crying, I knew I couldn't just leave her there alone. Although she seems a little strange like I feel she is something or some pony very special. I better get that off my mind. After all we made it to the castle. We landed and I let her off my back, we trotted over to the door of the castle.
Shimmering Starlight's POV
Five other ponies opened the door. It seems they reacted to the sound of the princess landing. "Twighlight! We were wonderin where you went on off to!" Said an orange mare with a hat and three apples as a cutie mark. "Indeed, next time leave a note darling." Said a unicorn mare, a white one with three diamond shaped diamonds as a cutie mark. "Twiglights back!" I heard some pony yell, I looked towards the crowd and saw a purple dragon pushing through the ponies to see the princess. "AGHHHHH!" I quickly reacted and hid behind Twiglight. "What's the matter?" She asked. I pointed to the dragon. She gave me a confused look and pointed to the dragon. I nodded my head yes. She assured me that he was not a threat, his name was spike. "Why did you scream when you saw Spike?" Asked a blue Pegasus with lighting bolt cutie mark that was rainbow colored. She also had a rainbow mane. "Dragons are on the enemy star that attacked my home. Queen Draconia is their leader, she ordered an attack on my home. The pegasai, griffins, and dragons tore my home apart." I started to cry again. "Rainbow why did you have to ask a question like that!?" Yelled a pink earth pony mare with two blue balloons and one yellow balloon as a cutie mark. A yellowish pegasus with long pink hair who seemed to also be a mare stepped back probably from embarrassment, she gave me a look telling me she was sorry to hear that. All that matters is that they're here to help, I guess.

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