is thee god is reeaaaaal??

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A/N sowwy guys thois is my first bookk evar sos sorry if me grammer bad

P.O:V CatCam

Is thee god is real???? is the question ever in my minde during monring. My 2 best freind say no, but my religioj teacher says yes, who to trust???

I cry in thee confission wile I listen to AI covers of song 'I hste everything about you"

"I hate everything about you
Why do I love you?
I hate everything about you
Why do I love you?"

I seng with the sung wile I eat breakfast

Afret the brekkfasrt I go to meeting place, the park, where I meet with my friends: Cam and Cat.

Cam is a hooman with brown hair (latina) and Cat is a Black and white cat, very small

I am a cheetah (cover art!!!!!!!11!!1!)

I tlak with my freins about the day

we takl about god

we part ways after 7 houwrs

i go home and sleep peacufuly

A/N ims orry that the chaper is so shot butt the next one will be loo0ong i promise!!!! uwuuuwuwuwwuuw :VVVVVVvbbvvnsjcbujwdhcuw

Pease give a star, arigatoooo uwuwuwuwuuwuwuwuuwuaufhwdsbvhdf fhwdsacjs a

Actual Author Note: I'm too lazy to fucking keep going, so have a pilot episode, comment with your worst... thing... ig idk

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