2 - w-what is that thing

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( ! An: dawg ik I've been offline for 2 years but the bitch is back 😘 !)

As shrek and the gang walk into the room they froze in place as the books flew off the shelves

"W- what!? " shrek muttered

They dident know how to react to this sudden phenomenon
But decide to look around any way

There was a dead body


"CAILLOU..!!" they all start to shout
Starting to prance about

"Q-q-quick we gotta tell the others!"
Said donald
They all nod and turn around to find the door closed shut
"W-what..? "
" how can we sound the emergency meeting button now broskis!?! #!$! " said amongus

"We got to find a way out of here" said gru sternly..

Shreks POV:
-whoah.. That was hot. - shrek thought to himself as he felt a soft blush creeping onto his face

Nobody's POV:
They all looked up to see donald falling as a secret passage opened


They all run to donald to go make sure he's okay

-he's so cute- the 3 think to themselves

They all reach out to help him up but donald gets up by himself

"I-i-i I don't need ur help b-baka" donald said as he turned away not wanting to show his blushing face

Donalds POV:
-W-why am I blushing..
Ah..they r still staring at me. I gotta get my thoughts together.. They would never go for someone like me... -


Nobody's POV:
The 3 dident want to move from that spot but they knew they had to find an exit

"We better get going if we wanna leave this place" amongus said

They all agree and decide to continue their way


As hallways turned and twist
Their mindsets began to shift
As the hallways got long and the 4 got tired
They almost gave up and retired
But just when they thought they where out of luck
They found themselves no longer stuck

"Hey look, another room!" Said shrek, almost s(creaming) with joy

Gru lifts up his head "u-ur right..! "

The 4 run over to the room, wanting a change in scenery after walking in those halls for so long..

[Voice on speakers] ahh..why hello..! I dident expect you do actually find this place so late."

The 4 look around and their in a halfway with doors

"Late..? " amongus questions the voice
"Yes late.. All the others are here already.. But there are only so many rooms here.. And I dident do the math.. so you 4 will have to share"

"W-W-WHAT..!! " Trump exclaimed feeling his face glow red

Trumps POV:
-I think I like them all.. And its not gonna help it if I'm sharing a room with them.. Ik we have only known each other for a couple of hours but I feel a connection to them.. "

Nobody's POV:
[Voice] "idrc just.. Go to your room" a door opends as 4 walk into their room they realize it only has one bed

"Erm well this is awkward fellas..! ☝🤓" said amongus

"Well I'm tired so I'm going to bed" said gru starting to yawn.
"There is no other bed so ig we r all gonna have to share"  shrek said nervously


(540 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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Shrek and the haunted manor.. (Shrek x among us x Donald trump x GRU)Where stories live. Discover now