
373 6 53

Coauthored by jaeebreezy

Sevyn's POV

Just as I was putting on the last of my clothes after getting out of the shower. I hear the front door slam closed.


I call out as I walk down the stairs. My brother has a bad habit of popping up and coming over whenever he feels like it. Which he has been doing for the past few days. Descending the stairs, I see that it is not in fact my brother, but my fiancé. Trystan's back is turned to me, but I can see him holding a towel and putting a few ice cubes from the freezer into it.

"Trys? What are you doing here? I didn't know you were in town."


He says dryly and it immediately makes my face contort into a look of confusion, then annoyance at the tone he uses.

"What's up with you? And why do you have ice?"

I say as I walk closer to him. He lifts the towel to his face and winces. I lower his hand to get a better look at his face and let out a gasp at the bruise that formed under his eye.

"What the hell happened to you? Are you ok?"

Trystan shrugs out of my grasp.

"Your little thug of a boyfriend is what happened."

"My wha..? What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about Sevyn."

I know he's upset because he never calls me by my name, it's always Belle. That stings me hard. Then the little comment he made and seeing the bruise on his face I put two and two together.

"Logan did this to you? Where the hell did you even see him?"

Trystan turns fully towards me and looks my way.

"I was at the winery."

"The winery? And what were you doing at the winery?"

I fold my arms staring at him waiting for an answer. He tries to avoid eye contact but that just confirms my suspicion.

"That's crazyyy because you tried to confront me about still seeing Logan and the whole time you're still fucking her?!"

"I went to see her because I knew she was hurting and to confront Logan. She's never gone through something like-"

I cut him off before he can even finish the bullshit he's trying to tell me.

"I could honestly give not one fuck about how she feels. Like at all! I'm supposed to spare her feelings while she's fucking my man? Neuken daarmee uit mijn gezicht!"

Oh, now I am heated. How can he stand here talking about her feelings right in front of my face?

"Maybe you should go be with her since you clearly care about her feelings more than you care about mine."

Trystan sighs as he puts the towel of ice down.

"I didn't say that."

"You didn't have to. Your actions clearly speak louder than your words."

"My actions? It's not only me. You're acting as if you haven't caught feelings for him and have been trying to hide them."

"YES! Is that what you want to hear?! That I caught feelings for Logan? Yes, Trystan I did, but it wasn't like it was intentional. I didn't mean for it to happen, it just happened. But at least I can admit that. You're still trying to put the blame on me. Meanwhile you've been checking for Bronwyn for god knows how long!"

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