𝖎.⠀My Sails are Set.

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CHAPTER ONE.⠀✶⠀My Sails are Set.

⠀⠀⠀⠀The sea's tides are kinder to her this dawn, not like the raging waters she sailed through last night. The sea was all Kanoin Asa had ever known. The blue waters of the Eastern Sea. The Sun, the Sea, water, fire, and sharp objects. That was all she had ever known.

⠀⠀⠀⠀She awaits the sun to rise. The sun offers her its warmth as it always has, time and time again. The sun's warmth offers her comfort and its rays light up the ocean waves. The warmth of the sun reminded her of the loving hands of her mother and sister. (But it seems their touch is slowly, day by day, fading away from her memory.)

⠀⠀⠀⠀One time, she dared to stand on the edge of a cliff to watch the sun disappear on the horizon. Even after watching sunset after sunset, it still takes her breath away, time and time again. Colours paint the sky while the light slowly disappears in the distance, bidding the world farewell until a new day dawns on them.

⠀⠀⠀⠀Asa can say with absolute certainty that in the sky full of stars, no star compares to the warm sun. Even when the moon is full and she sees its reflection in the waters, it still doesn't compare to the sun. Nothing will ever compare to the sun. Asa doesn't think she'll ever find anything that can compare to the sun. The Sun is a bright and warm light in the sky, in comparison everything else seems dull and mundane━other than the Sea, that is.

⠀⠀⠀⠀The vast, neverending sea. During her sixteen years at sea, Asa has sailed as much of the East Blue as she possibly could. When her family had finally settled down, there was a time when she followed a river that streamed straight to the sea, it was a kind of calling. A calling that tugged her to the sea, to home. That calling has always been there, and to this day, she still feels that tug. The serene waters of the river meet with the tides of the sea, and at high tide, the waves wash away the sandcastles and things Asa and her sister wrote in the sand. The Sea is many things, but it is never dull or mundane.

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