The boy with the crimson eyes

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hi guys, this is my first story so try not to hate on me too much if you think its dumb kk?
So anyway enjoy!! :)


"Sigh, Well i have waited this long to get here and this acadamy but i still dont get it? How did i end up here of all places!?!" Skyla questioned to herself a bit paranoyed to find herself in the middle of a 'Doctor Who' conventtion.

After that disturbing mishap she continued her way down the hallways looking for her classes and room that she will be in for the time she would be spending here.

The acadamy for the gifted is a special place where the 'gifted' and blessed go to stregthen them up to become stronger than any normal human being could ever be.This world is split in two's like a yin yang, one half of the world is covered with good and the peace keepers with only a handful controlled with hatred, but then you have the other side, the ones who are dark and lifeless who only want to conflict harm and pain to others with only a handful of them good, one by one getting caught in the madness and drowning into darkness forever. And as much as we want it to always be good we need the bad side too or all hell will break loose and the world will be destroyed.

To get into this place you would need to already have some sort of power or apearence to be chosen to come to this place. But for some people like Skyla here, Is one of the VERY special and privliged people who has been hand picked by the organisation to attend this school. It is very rare for this to happen, heck they have never hand picked anyone before but for some reason they are really keen on Skyla attending here at this acadamy.

After a good half and hour of sight seeing and talking to a few teachers and students she was walking around in the hallway flicking through her messages on the IPhone 6 when she didnt see that a man with black swepped back hair, a red plaid top open with a black t-shirt on under neath, denim ripped jeans and wearing red converses was going full noise down the hall on his skateboard that only at the last minute he realised he wasn't alone here and was about to flatten a girl so he yelled out.
Skyla replied as she looked up from her phone but was to late to react, the boy was going too fast and collided with her.


They both groaned as they layed sprawled out on the floor.

"Hey, watch were your goin next time!"

The boy remarked a little bit pissed but still calm at the same time.

"ME!?! You should watch were you are goin-"

As Skyla lifted her head to make eye contact to see who ran into her, she instantly stared in shock at the sight in front of her. He was staring back as intence as she was as he layed eyes on a beautiful girl with crystal blue eyes long blond hair all the way down to her waist with blue ends wearing a green and black cap on her head put on an angle on the front of her head, her cloths was a blue plaid top open with a white singlet underneath that said 'Party all night, sleep all day' on it. She also wore ripped skinny jeans with black converses he felt this ting in his heart and so did she as she stared into


hey again soz it is sooo short i promise to make longer chapters its just that it is like 12:47 AM here and i need to sleep so, yeah hop you enjoyed the first part of 'Who to Chose?' please tell me what you think and tell me if i should continue also one more thing before i go i need help on what to name the guy so message me a name and if i like it i will give the person who gave it to me a shoutout kk?

Peace TheFictionShiper12 out!

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