Chapter 9: Airborne

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Chapter 9: Airborne

A/N: This chapter has a somewhat graphic wreck. Please read at your own discretion.

The green flag gets waved. "This is it! Time to show them what I can do!" Jack thinks as all the other cars on the track start to speed up. Jack follows suit and starts to draft off of Jess in front of him. The immense power of his car startles Jack for a second. He gets out of her slipstream and goes for and overtake in the first straightaway. "Looks like the rookie is the first person to go for an overtake! And on a straightaway of all places!" The announcer says. Jack passes by Jess as everyone approaches the first corner at incredibly high speeds. "First ever overtake in a professional race. Let's keep this going." Jack thinks as everyone simultaneously brakes for the corner and starts to turn their steering wheels. Jack follows suit and clears the corner with everyone else.

(Go Beat Crazy Starts Playing)

As all the cars enter the curvy part after the first corner, Jack goes out wide while Roy in front of him takes the inside line. Jack turns the steering wheel of his car while lightly hitting the brakes. "Is this kid insane?! Overtaking on the outside this early in the race is downright crazy." Roy thinks as time seems to slow down for him. Jack uses his car's power advantage and easily overtakes Roy on the outside line. Roy's car has 908 horsepower while Jack's has 923 horses. The next person to overtake will be a challenge. Nathan is no easy feat for anyone to pass easily. Jack also has to defend against the other person behind him while trying to gain positions. Every car tears through the curvy section and they all enter a straight section that has some slight turns one after another. "Damn, this is gonna be tough. Nathan is not an easy opponent to try and pass." Jack thinks to himself. Jack enters the straightaway behind Nathan and starts to slipstream off of him. He slowly inches closer to Nathan's bumper. Nathan notices and starts to accelerate faster. "You're gonna have to work for it! I'm not gonna let you pass that easily!" Nathan says with a smile on his face.

Yoichi enters the slight left curve along with Kozo who's right behind him before they enter another long straightaway. The two race cars tear through it before approaching a hairpin turn. They both brake heavily before turning in. A turn in is exactly what you'd think, turning your car into a corner. Kozo hit the brakes earlier than Yoichi. Kozo takes the outside super wide while Yoichi takes the inside. As they hit the apex of the hairpin and exit Kozo passes him and is in the lead. Kozo did an advanced technique called a switchback. You will probably see this kind of maneuver in Formula One races. Kozo and Yoichi go uphill with Emily in hot pursuit of them. But Emily holds off her attack, she knows she can pass them later.


"Would you look at that! The rookie has already passed two people and is right on Nathan's bumper! He's really pushing that new debuting car to its absolute limit!" The announcer says. There's murmurs throughout the crowd about Jack's performance. "He's holding his own against professional drivers?! But he's just a kid, he'll crash sooner or later." A spectator says. "Prove these people wrong Jack! I know you can do it!" Michelle thinks to herself.

"Oh my word! Yoichi has been passed by Kozo! We have a new leader in this race! So much action just on the first lap!" The announcer yells out as everyone cheers in celebration. "Kozo might be able to win against Yoichi finally! Their rivalry has been going on for so long now!" Ken says next to Michelle. "That'd be a thing I'd want to see. Their rivalry has been going on for so long now." Michelle says. "Seems like you know your stuff. Not bad for a woman." Ken states. "Well, Emily is my sister after all." Ken sits there in silence for a moment. "She's Emily's sister?! That means she'll have some serious skill behind the wheel. If I knew that beforehand, I wouldn't have decided to race." Ken thinks to himself.

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