Second Week - Part 3

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Second Week - Monday


Kuguri's felt uneasy by Suguru question, even if no one else was listening. So he did the only thing he knew...

"Uh, oh yeah. Bout that. Um"

He panicked

"Kuguri, if your not comfortable with telling me, thats fine. I won't force you to tell me or anyone anything" Suguru whispered as he leant forwards from the other side of the table...

Kuguri sighed and nodded... He started to eat his sandwich which he was holding. Taking a bite, he rejoined the conversation the rest of the team was having...


More like disagreement...

"OH MY GOD"  - Whispered yelled Takachiho from down along the table.

"Don't yell" - Hiroo

"What?" - Seguro

"Ok ok, so, I was just thinking, and a random thought just came to mind" - Takachiho

"Being?" - Seguro

"Everything in the universe is either air, or it's not" - Takachiho

"What about space? Theres nothing up there" - Seguro

"Correct, it's not air" - Takachiho

(Sorry, that was just filler/content sort of nonsense that has nothing to do with the story)

(Also, Imma start calling him Daishō now)


It was during afternoon practice that things between him and his team became questionable...

That morning before everyone could leave to go to class, Kuroo had grabbed him by the shoulders in the changing room and started a whole debate by asking "HAS HE EVER TOUCHED YOU WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION?"...


The room turned silent at that. Upon glancing around, Kuroo asked again "SHIBAYAMA, BLINK TWICE IF HE HAS EVER HURT YOU" He said whilst shaking Shibayama back-n-forth...

"Kuroo cut that out" Yaku had stepped in as Kuroo violently shook the first year... 

But, that was earlier...

This must have been eating away at the captain all day, because as soon as Shibayama had set foot in the gym, Kuroo and Yamamoto both ran up and started pestering the poor first year...

Afternoon practice continued as normal after about 30 minutes...

When opening his front door, Shibayama was welcomed to the sound of his boyfriend welcoming him home, along with a hug and the mention of food...

"So, when I walked into the gym for afternoon practice" Shibayama recalled the events of today over dinner...

Kuguri hums in response, and he continued, "I was given 'the talk' by Kuroo and Yamamoto"...

"Wait, 'the talk' as in 'THE talk'?" Kuguri had stoped eating...

"Yep. It's so embarrassing being given 'the talk' to by your volleyball teammates and captain"...

At that, Kuguri started laughing, then choked on air, to coughing. All with a smile on his face...

"The worst part was, coach asked what was going on, and also joined the quote on quote, conversation". Kuguri fell of his chair from laughing, which made Shibayama giggle...

Second Week - Tuesday

It was the day, the first day of the training between Nekoma and Nohebi...

Shibayama had stood there with his team outside the gym waiting for the other team to show up...

And when they did, Kuguri was with them as to not draw attention. He'd had met up with them 15 minutes or so ago...

"Hello Daishō" Kuroo said as the two teams stood, face to face...

"My my, still styling your hair like that" Daishō had said pointing to Kuroo's hair...

"It's natural, not styled"

"Yeah yeah"

Nekomata, the Nekoma coach, had opened up the gym doors and welcomed the Nohebi team and coach, Ōmizu (yes, I looked it up) in first, as to be polite...

Once inside, the two coaches planed and talked by the door of the gym. Daishō started addressing his team in a corner of the gym, and Kuroo did the same in the opposite corner.

It seemed as if the Nekoma team had forgotten about the fact that Shibayama and Kuguri were together, and was replaced by the fact that the other team was here to stay and train for about a week...

'This...' Shibayama thought to himself, 'This, was going to be fun'...



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