Chapter 17

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Three Years Later....

"Vegas, you need to hurry, we gotta go to next location. " Jade shouted as the shoot finished.

"Just a moment. " I said, snapping the last shot because I wasn't contented enough, the weather was cold and it might hail in the evening.

I checked the shot, it was perfect, the way I want it to be, I packed my stuff and quickly left to follow Jade. We got in the car we parked a long way ahead.

Jade drove as I was checking her clicks, they were perfect, each one of them. She is a genius when it comes to camera, I had been her assistant for a year now, as she taught me for almost one and a half before, I was a newbie then.

"Wanna grab a bite? We won't get enough time once we reach there. " She said parking the car, we got off into the diner.

We are in Sweden for  over a week now, it was surreal. I am a travel photographer, and we work for a tourism magazine. I had been to 21 countries till now, and each gave me something new to reflect on. Most of them were in Europe and South America.

Our new intern, Emily came along, although she isn't a part of our shoot, but she is learning the technique and professional approach.

She was more than happy to have some food as we sat on a round table. The food was served and we dig in, obviously it was a hectic day. We ordered coffee as it was too cold outside.

"Vegas, mind if I ask you something? " She said, sipping her piping hot coffee.

"I won't, unless you are gonna confess. " I said, making her laugh a little.

"Don't worry, although I admit you are illegally handsome but not my type, I already have someone for that . " She said, a coy smile spreading on her face.

"Well, I think I know who it is, but continue your question. " I said, not even interested enough.

"Why did you start photography? " She asked.

"Why are you so curious about it? Am I that much unsuitable for it? "

"I mean you can be a model if you want, so I thought that's a waste of talent, but seriously tell me. "

"Because the person I loved, was in love with it. But now, he isn't with me anymore, so I feel like he is there whenever I click something surreal. " I said, my voice wavered a bit, as I looked outside to not to make it awkward.

"Where is he now? What happened?"

"I don't know, and you should focus on checking the lenses, now finish it pretty quick and get ready, we need to hurry. " I said getting up.

I went for a smoke, taking in the gush of the cigarette, as the smoke fills in my lungs, it suddenly makes me calm, as my heart quivered at the thought of him.

When I left the country, I was completely out of ideas of what to do with my life, I had no passions and no hobbies to follow. And one day, I saw Jade, and that's the beginning of this journey.

A journey with no destination.

I exhaled the smoke, the white soots spreading in the air quickly scattering away, and within a moment, I felt a hit, a sudden gushing of blood and my vision blackened, I couldn't even respond, or see who it was.

The next moment I regained my consciousness, I was lying somewhere with a cold floor, my limbs tied and the everything was dark. I tried to move but my body was cramped in the small space.

Someone opened the door and I was dragged out side, the sudden light around halted me to see anything, but soon I saw the face in front of me, staring at me with cold bloody eyes.

I couldn't decipher, nor did it felt real, it was like an illusion, I wanna pinch myself and comeback to reality if this is just a dream.

"Pete." I managed to say, my voice was feeble and filled with longing.

He slapped me, hard enough that my face met the floor again. But I didn't complained, I was too thankful to even see him. A smile spread on my face, and he looked annoyed at that.

"Shameless like ever. " He said as he grabs my hair, raising my body above the ground.

"After ruining my life, look at you living like you own it. Having fun with this facade? " He said, he was boiling with anger as he slaps me again.

I didn't showed any sign of retaliation, I was accepting whatever he was giving, his hate, his anger, his regrets. Because I know I deserve it.

"I missed you. " I said, looking at him with tears of suffering filling my eyes, even if I die today, I will be content.

"Fucking liar. " He stood up and left, banging the door behind as the silence engulfs again.

The pain, blood and him, everything was a part of my past that came back, and I was craving for it. I won't lie if I say that my life was not worth of it anymore.

I didn't realised when I slept, because I was relaxed anyways, if being with him means staying like a slave, I will agree without any complain.

He came back after several hours, placing the chair in front of me, as he takes his seat.

"You regret today, didn't you? " He asked, his voice low, and face smug.

"Never, I am glad, I am with you. " I said and he sighs as he leans in closer, close enough that his hot breath was fanning over my face.

"It's not a picnic honey, you are gonna die here, right now. "

"I still don't regret. "

"Wait a second, you will, for sure. " He laughs hysterically, taking out his gun and loading it, as he points it at forehead.

I didn't budge, not even looking away, I was looking at him with all those emotions I had, which never washed away.

He stayed like that for a long time, but he couldn't pull the trigger, I could see the look on his face, he is scared, he is angry, he is alone.

"It was too hard for you, and I am the reason, you have every right, go ahead and release me from this guilt, of hurting someone I loved.
But remember, I loved you truly. " I said, and the trigger pulled, a loud bang was heard but I was still awake and fine. The bullet hit somewhere and I looked up at him.

"Why did you made me so pathetic? I can't even kill you, this face, it's haunting me, dragging me here and now, I can't even do it properly. " He said, kicking the door and banging the gun.

"I am sorry.... " I said, genuinely.

"Don't delude yourself, I am definitely gonna kill you, but it won't be an easy death, you will suffer." He said as he turns to leave.

" Kill me now, make me suffer, do everything you wish. " I said as I stand up, because I untied myself, I  have the spy reflexes.

He turns and I could see how he froze as he saw me freed out of the captivity.

"Stay there or I will shoot you. "

I walked to him, because I don't fear death anymore, he tries to tackle me, but I hug him tightly, leaving him no space until he stopped moving. I hid my face in the crook of his neck as he too, didn't move.

"I have one death wish. Kiss me before you kill me, okay? "

Note: I really want to share this experience with you, I was lucky enough to be a part of a child birth, I just started my clinical year in med school, and we saw it today and I swear it was a bitter sweet experience and we welcomed the little angel into this world.

And one more thing, I am usually late when I have too much on my plate, med school is too cruel for time, I have nine hours of classes and then study sessions, I try to update as soon as I could.

So please be patient whenever I am a bit late, because this a hobby, I can't write if I am sleep deprived, I need to do basic stuff for myself too. And this isn't a deadline oriented place, I write for passion and as a hobby, which isn't a compulsion.

Hope you like the story...

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