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I sat in my office cubicle, looking at the blank screen of my computer.
"What the hell do I do?", I thought, "I don't want to spoil the friendship we have but at the same time I can't go on much longer."

Naveen and I had already been living together for two months. Just a week back was when I realised that I liked this smarta**.

I spun around in my chair, hoping for something to strike my brain out of nowhere. Defeated, I gathered my bags and got ready to leave the office.

Waving goodbye to my colleagues, I walked and boarded the metro. As if fate had other plans in mind, the loud sound of thunder echoed against the walls. Soon the pitter-patter of raindrops made themselves known.

I took out my umbrella and tried to open it up. But it wouldn't open. Cursing the people behind the umbrella, I started running in the rain.

Amidst the downpour, I vaguely made out a blob coming towards me. Warily, I held my bag in front of me, just in case anything happened. As the figure got closer, I saw that they had an umbrella.

The person's face came into view. Naveen.

Screw my life. This dude is just making it harder for me to not like him.

Shielding me, he handed me a handkerchief to wipe the water from my eyes and my bag. He and I then hurriedly walked towards the building.

As soon as we got inside the flat, he handed me a towel and went back to sofa. After taking a bath myself, I walked towards him, towel in hand.

"H-How did y-you know I-I needed t-the umbrella?"
"You always come back earlier than this. Since you got a bit late today, I figured it was because of the rain. Plus," , he said, gesturing towards the side, " Your umbrella was lying there."
"Ok damn, Sh-Sherlock. Didn't e-expect a little d-deduction thing t-there.", I joked, hoping to ease the chokehold this man had on my heart.
"Plus, I was worried about you.", he said, flashing a smile.

Screw you man. He is the most dense human being on this planet. It's like he's choosing not to think about whatever he is saying. I swear, it feels like he's doing this on purpose sometimes.

I turned towards him. "Y-You were w-worried?"
"Yeah. I mean without you, who's going to help pay the bills?"
I sighed. "Y-You're right. Who else w-would help p-pay the b-bills?"
I got up ready to leave, but I felt a tug from behind me. I looked down to see Naveen holding my hand. He got up and turned me to fully face him.

"Well, there is one more reason.", he said, sheepishly, playing with my fingers.
"W-Well," I laughed. "I don't see h-how that could make any diff—"
In a minute, he closed the distance between us and put his lips on mine. I froze, before leaning in and soaking in his warmth as he held my face in his hands tenderly.

When we broke for air, I put my arms around him as I looked at his face.
"O-On top of c-computers, y-you're also a w-whiz at s-sweeping girls o-off their feet, h-huh smarta**.", I said as I buried my face in his shoulder.

"Screw you.", he whispered, laughing.

"S-So what now?", I asked later, threading my fingers through his hair as we lay on the bed.
"I don't want to get into anything serious now. I need to get into a better job so that you and I can support each other better."
"Sure m-man, whatever's c-comfortable."
"Plus, you aren't the only one who needs to repay Aunty."
"W-What, because of the f-flat?"
"No, it was actually Aunty who encouraged me to make the move. Without her, I don't think I would've gotten the confidence.", he said, kissing my hand.

I mentally thanked Aunty for coming to my rescue once again.

"Y-You have no idea how glad I-I was when you r-reciprocated. I-I couldn't f-figure out how to s-say it. I'm so g-glad you f-felt the same w-way. I swear I s-suck at things l-like these.", I said, blowing a raspberry.
"Well, you can learn if you choose to. It's just something you practice."
"W-Well, now where w-will I get s-someone to p-practice on? M-Maybe I should ask A-Aunty. She'll r-recommend someone g-good.", I said, feigning innocence.
"Oh go ahead. She is good at such things.", he said, silently laughing.

He got a hit over the head with a pillow for that comment.

He took my hands in his as he asked, "Hey, you're fine with everything, right? I mean, I know you reciprocated and everything, but still just want to be sur-"
I silenced him with another kiss, this one deeper.

"D-Do you have a-any doubt n-now?"

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