Diaper Probate

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When my mom died, I was heartbroken. I had a difficult relationship with her for many years. My dad died serving in the military on some assignment oversees. After that, I acted out a little bit as a child. My mother actually bought me diapers at one point and forced me to wear them for a whole week.

She said, "If you're going to act like a baby, then I'll treat you like one!"

This was one of the most embarrassing things I'd ever gone through. I was thirteen at the time. I got over it, and I behaved for the most part after that. Over the years, my mother would threaten to put me in diapers again. I'd get with the program really quick to avoid that outcome.

When I moved off to college, I felt free for the first time. I dated a lot of different women and had premarital sex with many of them. This was not something my mother really appreciated. Eventually, I settled down with Wendy. My mom really likes Wendy. I felt like I had finally gotten my mother's approval with a woman.

Wendy and my mother got along great. They actually talked on the phone more than I did with my own mother. Wendy didn't have a mom or dad, as they had both passed from cancer. She always used to tell me to enjoy my mother while she was still around.

I would work hard, and so would Wendy, but we could never seem to get ahead or save any real money. We bought a house and needed my mother's support several times while she was still alive. Wendy would always blame me for misspent money. No matter what happened, it always fell back on me being in the wrong.

"You're always playing video games or drinking, rather than taking extra hours or conserving money. We aren't rich, John! We have to conserve money, sometimes!" She would rant at me.

My mother would echo her sentiments. Almost word for word. I know they were talking about me behind my back. I knew they were plotting against me.

One time, Wendy said, "I swear to God I'm going to buy you some diapers if you can't grow up and be a man."

I told her, "That's not funny... you know I don't like that when you say that, and you know exactly why."

My mom was the first to tell her about my diaper punishment. Wendy laughed, I had to explain to her how much shame and embarrassment it held within me. She had told me she would never make fun of me in that regard, ever.

Wendy said, "I'm not making fun of you. I'm serious."

After my mom passed, we were at the lawyers office to have the will read. The lawyer seemed nervous, kind of embarrassed in a way that was hard to explain. He read the will, like normal, until it got to the conditions.

"To my son, I leave everything on the conditions that he fulfills a final wish. That wish being a diaper punishment, carried out by his wife, my daughter inlaw, to which whom I elect as probate in the matter." The lawyer said.

I was shocked, "Excuse me?"

Wendy explained, "I am going to put you back in diapers. It's a condition of the will if you want your mother's money. It's already been set up, by her, we talked about it a lot. Before you can have your inheritance, you'll have to do what I say... or you won't get it. I'll get it. I'll also file for devorse if you refuse, and I'll take everything from you on the process."

I argued for about thirty minutes with her and the lawyer. It was official, and there was no way around it. The money was life changing, I would lose my wife on top of not getting it, and there was legally no recourse whatsoever.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" I shouted finally, walking out of the room.

Wendy text me later that night, "If you don't come home, I'll be filing for devorse tomorrow. I'm sick of your shit. You need to make your mind up before it's too late. I hope you make the right decision."

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