Welcome to My Friendly Neighborhood

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(Y/n) POV

November 9, Sat, 1968, that was the time were the show of the belove My friendly neighborhood show would be airing. And at times where the show would make it feel more warm, kind, loving, and.... friendly. That's what this dead and dark city was missing, we've been in darkness for so long that people started to forgot the joys of being friendly.

But can't order anyone to enjoy the show its not a fair thing. Its the peoples own choose to choices if they like it or not, but from what I see before the shutdown of My Friendly Neighborhood. The city wasn't always like this, it used to be what I explain were we could see smiles, people being happy, and kind too.

My name is Y/n L/n and this is a story of how me and friends fell in love with Friendly Neighborhood show. Or whatever memories there was before being canceled.

3rd POV

Before this, we see three girls who are know older then 7 years where running away from a baker. He chase them cause they took three loaf's of bread from him, but he needed to understand that they needed to eat. And them being just orphan, and he can't see that then screw him.

"Hey get back here you little thieves!" Shouted the angry baker.

The three girls ran faster as they saw a allway coming up, they took a turned to outrun the baker. He turned and thought he cought them, but saw an empty allway, he groan in anger as they went back to his bakery.

But unaware that they were actually above his head. They chuckled as they went back to their home and by home, I mean a old empty water tower. You see all three girls were orphans after they're parents up and left them on their own, the girls were doing great during their time growing up alone.

Don't get them wrong they do wish to have parents its just that now a days. The cities peoples were either cold or cruel to people like them and it wasn't even better with orphanages too. So as time went they had to steal, but they do get somethings from people who were going to throughout their old things. With pitty they gave the girls the old things, they even manages to get a working Tv, they watch something when a new show came on.

It was the "My Friendly Neighborhood" show a new puppet show that aparently is a learning and education show for kids. When they watch the first episode the girls loved and theh went on watching it too, by then they couldn't stop watching My Friendly Neighborhood on every satuardays.

It was a happy and Joyful life they had to come and enjoy.......

But sometimes the joy has to come to an end for all of us.

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