Five - Mattheo

337 7 0

September 2nd

i had absolutely no intentions to fuck her last night.

i just wanted to talk to her and i couldn't help myself.

i still love her.

i never stopped.

she doesn't need to know that.

how could she not even write me?

she can't be telling the truth. but why would she lie about that?

to try and get me back?

not happening.

she asked to be friends. we can never just be friends there will always be something between us.

i have no clue what i'm going to do now that she's at hogwarts.

she's sharing a dorm with one of my friends ffs.


i hate her but i love her more.

this school year certainly got a lot more interesting.

i was the first awake in my dorm and decided to start getting ready in the bathroom.

i was just finishing styling my hair when theo walked in.

"morning" he said as he made his way to the toilet.

"morning" i replied as i left to give him privacy.

The others were starting to wake up now.

i walked over to my wardrobe to get dressed as i was only wearing a towel from my shower earlier.

i got dressed into my Slytherin robes and waited for the others to get ready.

once they were we headed down to breakfast.

Pansy and y/n we're sitting at the table.

We sat down with them.

"how was your first night here y/n?" Enzo asked her

i watched as he cheeks subtly flushed pink.

"it was okay, i didn't get much sleep tho" she replied firing a quick glance at me.

"what lessons do you have today?" Draco asked her

"umm, potions, herbology, transfiguration, charms and muggle studies" she replied

She has the same timetable as me.


pansy began discussing potions with her when daphne greengrass approached me.

"good morning mattheo, you looked thirsty so i brought you some pumpkin juice" she said with a flirty smile.

"thanks" i said taking it from her.

She blushed and ran off giggling back to her friends.

i looked over at y/n who seemed to have watched the whole interaction.

i can't imagine what was running through her mind.

we all eat our breakfast and prepared to head to class.

of course nobody else had potions first.

we ended up walking together in silence.

we walked into the classroom and professor slughorn turned to face us.

"ahh mattheo good morning" he said as his gaze wandered to y/n

"and who might you be?" he asked

"y/n gaunt sir" she said with a smile

"well welcome to hogwarts! your on table number 2 today" he said pointing to a table.

my table.

why is she with me for everything today?

is the universe trying to test me?

She stood next to me behind our cauldron as the other students arrived.

"now, i have prepared some concoctions, would anyone be able to identify them?" Slughorn asked the class

hermione know it all grangers hand shot straight up.

she stepped up to the potions.

"this is, veritasirum, this is wolfsbane and this is amoretia" she stated

"very good miss granger, can anyone tell me the properties of amoretia?" Slughorn asked

hermiones hand shot up again.

god that girl gets on my nerves.

"Amoretia smells different to each person according to who they're attracted to" she answers

"correct again miss granger" slughorn said

"now i would like each student to come over, smell the potion and state what you smell" he added


everyone lined up to smell the potion.

i was at the back.

i watched as y/n smelt the potion.

"i smell, sauvage cologne, mint and cigarettes" she muttered

Slughorn nodded and then it was my turn.

i stepped up to the stupid cauldron and sniffed.

"i smell, dior perfume, jasmine and cherries" i said

i knew it was her scent.

i knew it too well.

my eyes looked over at her as i stood beside her.

"now that that's all done i would like you to work in pairs to create a draught of living death" Slughorn announced.

now i have to work with her?


i pulled out my textbook and put it between us.

"we need, lacewing flies, blue algae and hippogriff saliva" she said reading the book

"what a lovely mixture" she added sarcastically

i left to go and get the ingredients.

i came back and she had the water bubbling ready to add the ingredients.

she took the blue algae and began cutting it up whilst i poured the hippogriff saliva in.

She stirred whilst i added things.

"is it done?" she asked

"almost" i replied throwing in an extra fly.

"now it is" i said

she nodded and we waited for Slughorn to come and check it.

"perfect!" he exclaimed

"you two are dismissed" he added

we gathered our things and quickly headed out the classroom going our separate ways.

this was harder than i thought.

Forever his Darling ; Y/n x MattheoWhere stories live. Discover now