New life- Chapter 2

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3 years later....
Jj's  pov
On my 16 birthday, i was at the chateau just hanging with the pogues
"Jj, come on you HAVE to do something on your birthday especially your 16's birthday" john b said
"Idk, bro i just don't really celebrate anything"
"Come on jj"pope replys
"Pls stop,just stop" i say storming out

I got angry quickly because my dad never really celebrated anything because he didn't even remember but  Taylor would surprise me with big fat gifts but everything has changed so i don't really get exited on my birthdays anymore no one knows why, well except john b...
He's been my best friend since the 3rd grade + he is taylor's brother without her i wouldn't know him, me and him broke down when we heard about taylor 3 years ago ( she still hasn't woken up) and he always used to help Taylor with her suprises for me.
I was sitting on the sand watching the sunset just like me and taylor used too when john b sat next to me,i looked at him and sighed turning my eyes back on the sunset
"Jj..." jb said
"What, what do you want"
"I know ur sad about her i swear i am too but you have to get over it at some point i can't stand seeing you like this, its been 3 years man"
"I know , i know i just-i can't get over her dude, i know she will wake up soon, and i know deep down you think that too even  if you don't show it, she's your sister" Jj says with his voice breaking every time he says another word,John b look down at the ground with tears falling down his cheeks
"i promised her that i'll be strong just for her"
"When did you say that?"
"Last week, so i'm trying my best, and i never showed any emotion ever since that day"
"Oh good 4 you"
"Jj, pls we have to do something for your birthday"
"Look man i... i.... I don't want to do anything without her -i never have"
" okay fine"
"Hello,i'm here see Taylor Elizabeth Routladge"
"Jj, welcome back"
"Oh hey ms.smith"
"She's in the same room" the kind nurse says as she points to the room 185
"Thank you" the blonde says walking in the room

"Hey T" Jj spoke to the girl " it's me jj, i bet you even remember me ( he comes every day ) i miss you, today is my 16 birthday, i wish you could wake up right now , i 'm pretty sure you remember that its my birthday umm when can you you know wake up, i miss you and your smile, i haven't seen that smile in 3 years, john b told me to get over you just for today and celebrate my birthday but i just , i can't , i would rather sit here with you than go to a fancy restaurant without you , pls don't give up, keep fighting, don't leave me pls i can't live without you these past 3 years have been horrible , i need you !"

A/n : okay , i cried writhing that last part don't worry taylor will wake up soon i promise

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