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Warnings: Murder, Skrael being Skrael

Skrael POV

Humans, such foolish creatures. I thought they couldn't be dumber until I found out that they will spend days in the mountains harvesting for ice. Maybe I only see it as dumb because I can make an iceberg in my sleep.

But one thing about them, they are definitely good at staying entertained and distracting themselves from the cold. I sometimes catch myself enjoying their songs and even singing it with them.

"Born of cold and winter air and mountain rain combining
This icy force, both foul and fair, has a frozen heart worth mining."
The men sing and I nodded my head along, playing with a snow flurry. The sounds of ice picks and horse hooves clanging against the ice echos along with the sound of their harmonious singing.

I sometimes like to think they're songs are about me, but I don't even know if they think I'm real or just a fairytale, which I take great offense to.

One of them, seemingly young run off into the woods and I watch until he is out of sight. Good, he's not heading my direction.

Night fell and that boy still didn't return, nor did the others notice he was missing.

"Man of the mountain..." I heard a voice mumble behind me, and it was him, this isn't good. Or is it?

He threw the hatchet he was holding, aiming for my head but hit the tree. He would have hit me if I didn't tilt my head to the side. Now it was my turn.

I froze his feet so he couldn't run, but he tried to anyways and I had to freeze his entire leg. He grabbed a knife from his belt and threw it at me, I froze that as well the moment it felt his hand. Now it was clear what his intentions were.

"Mortals... always ready to get rid of anything that doesn't look like them. Isn't that right?" I said as I summoned my staff and he tried to scoot away.

I traced a long cut along his stomach through his coat, drawing out every noise of pain before finishing him off. He let out a quick yet loud scream before leaving the living world.

I sighed satisfied with getting rid of the prick before an arrow lodged itself in my shoulder. I hissed in pain at the feeling and looked back, the rest of them came looking for the boy I just killed.

I kept a straight face as I pulled out the arrow, leaving a small open gash in my shoulder, I'll deal with it later. As in Nari will heal it when I'm done with these humans with a bad hobby.

"Monster!" One of them shouted and charged at me, I used a levitation spell and the ones in the back of the group ran. I sliced the one charging at me before creating an ice wall, too tall to climb around the group of men.

One immediately tried to saw his way through the barrier, but I sent an icicle straight through his chest. Some gasped in fear, a few tried to charge at me, and the rest tried to break through. The one thing in common is that they were all equally annoying.

I set foot on the ground again and the biggest one swung his pickaxe at me, and I caught it, and I frosted it, he didn't let go in time, so I "accidentally" froze him as well. Wish I could say he'll be free when summer rolls around, but my ice doesn't melt.

I swung my staff vertically and froze each of their hearts and watched as they all froze from the inside. Some falling to the ground and turning blue as other leaned against the barrier I made clutching their chests.

It truly is a tragedy it had to come to this. I enjoyed watching and hearing them. They were all so entertaining but, they started it. But now I have this wound that needs treatment. Could you imagine how screwed I would have been if they were all like that one with the bow and arrow? I'm just kidding. The outcome would be the same.

I knocked over the one I froze with the pickaxe, and he crumbled into pieces to the ground, and it made the corner of my lips curve into a grin.

"If they weren't so eager to kill, they would still be alive." I said to myself as I made my way out of the bloodbath that I have caused, the snow was stained red, dead bodies stacked onto each other. What sore sight for eyes.

I made my way down the mountain, a little disappointed that I need a new source of entertainment and also wounded.

I passed by Arendelle, but something was different. The docks were full of ships from all different kingdoms, one with the flag of Corona, the kingdom Nari was visiting. Now this is truly interesting. I thought my successor locked herself and her sister away from the world. Now I have to find out why. (Corona is the name of the kingdom from Tangled)

I liked the idea of being a wolf in sheep's clothing at first before I realized I would need to use my human disguise. Which means no magic, and shoes.


My human disguise spell somewhat represented what I usually looked like. Long white hair shaved at the sides, same eyes and height and snow-white skin.

I found myself blending in fine with the crowd, and this suit wasn't that bad. This entire event was actually enjoyable. Hopefully these bandages are enough to keep the arrow wound closed long enough for me to find out the reason of this sudden crowd here in a usually quiet kingdom. if it was war I wouldn't be surprised.

There was the occasional need to slip away when the ginger in the green dress looked suspicious of me but otherwise, I had fun. And somehow, I ended up in the perfect spot to watch a little dispute go down between the queen and sister, no wonder they opened the gates. The little baby I gave powers similar to mine for fun is now queen, and this is a coronation party.

It was also a little disappointing to find out that she never learned to control her powers, and instead wore gloves and pretended she never had them. Wasted a gift of mine to appease others, how rude.

The ginger stole her glove, and she made a spiky ice barrier, similar to the one I made to trap the men in the mountains. It separated her from her sister and the guests. I couldn't help but chuckle and take a sip of my drink as they all looked scared. Good.

She ran out and everyone followed after her and out of the ballroom. I gently placed a hand on the small ice structure she made, and I made it fall apart.

This is my que to leave, no longer a crowd to hide in.

I left the castle, and the human disguise spell wore off, now back to my demigod form. Screaming from the village rang out into the forest and I looked back, the lake was entirely frozen, and it started snowing.

I couldn't help but smile and feel a little proud as she was no longer holding back her powers, showing what she is capable of. She has every right to do so, from what I learned from tonight she's been suppressing them for a long time, too long.

A/n Said id publish no 9/27... just a lil late dw

Really don't know where I'm going to go with this story, so bare with me. Go check out my other stories! Specifically, my Ben Pincus x Reader, I'm putting most of my time into that one right now.

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