Chapter Three: The Truth Comes Out

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With Red, off doing whatever, Father had the agents going over the crime scene while I used my powers to search for any other paranormal activity. The only thing was the statue that was sliced up. Everything was going smoothly until an annoyance by the name of Agent Manning came in. "Every time the media gets a look at him, they come running to me" The balled man complained as he lit a cigar. "I'm running out of lies Trevor."

"Keep disrespecting my father, you're going to run out of more than just lies," I warned as I walked over to the two older men.

My father gave me a disapproving look before saying "I thought you liked being on television." The agent confirmed while eyeing me warily.

I rolled my eyes at him and walked over to where Abe was. He was currently crouched down in front of a baton sword. "Abe, what's going on?" I inquired.

As the blue man picked up the bladeManning yelled from behind me "HEY FISHSTICK DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING"

Instead of yelling back Abe calmly said. "I need to touch it, to see"

"See what?"

I stepped in. "Abe has the ability to see either into the past or the future of an object depending on how hard he focuses on it. In this case, he needs to touch it"

The fish man nodded before saying "Don't worry about fingerprints. Never had any" I just chuckled at his statement in how he said it. Once he had a grip on the blade, he gasped frightened. "Professor, they were here"

I was confused but stayed quiet, damn do I wish Manning would do the same. Instead of asking loudly, "Who was here? Nixon? Houdini? Jimmy Hoffman? Who?"
"Will you just shut up? You sound like a gorilla who can't reach a damn banana" I snapped causing him to be quiet.

"Show me, Abe," Father told Blue. "Show me what happened here" Abe held the blade to the older male, who placed his hand on top of Blue's and they went into a vision.

After a couple of moments, they are drawn out of whatever they see, and my father's body language changes. He seemed terrified. "Professor" "Father" Abe and I called out to the hurried man.

"I'm alright" He replied only to stop after a few steps in pain.

"Father," I asked worried. "What's wrong?" I placed a hand on his back and another on his arm while Abe held his chest and the other arm.

When Abe had a firm grasp on Father's chest, he gasped quietly and looked at him worried. "You... You are very sick"

I felt tears start to burn my eyes as my father looked at me defeated. "I don't want Hellboy to know and I didn't want you to know either my dear" Father said defeatedly.


He gave me a pained-filled look before saying. "60 years ago, they tried to destroy the world. They're back. In my lifetime, they're back," He paused and looked around "to finish the job"

"Who, Father?" I questioned. "Please no more secrets."

"Show her, Abraham," Father ordered.

Abe took my hand and showed me the events that happened there. There was a man in a metallic gas mask, a blonde woman with a Russian accent, and finally the man Red and I saw. When I came out of the vision, I looked at my father and questioned "Father, that man, was he the reason that...?" Father nodded sadly. "I just saw him. Red and I both saw him." Father looked scared. "He said he brought us here. Who is he?"

Father looked conflicted before saying "Rasputin." I looked at him in fear. I have read about the Romanovs and how Grigori Rasputin was the catalyst who fanned the flames of anger. I read about how he had somehow lived through many gruesome killings including being set on fire. "And if what you say about seeing him is true. We need to get to Hellboy"

*time skip*

It's never hard to figure out where my brother goes when he escapes. When we pulled up to the hospital that Liz was in, Father placed a hand on my need before saying. "Stay inside" I nodded and watched the agents, Myers, and Father get out to get Red back to the bureau. I watched as Liz left my brother before Myers walked over and the two talked. As they were talking Red suddenly went to the ground in pain. I went to get out only for an agent to lock the doors, keeping me in the car. Thankfully I did see the agents carry my brother to the other car. When Father got back into the car, I scooted closer to him and laid my head on his chest, listening to the comforting sound of his heart beating.

When we got back to BPRD, Red was immediately taken to the medical wing, where Abe was ready to examine him. As Red lay on the table, Abe began to look at his wound under a magnifying glass "You were burned" Abe observed aloud. "By some organic acid."

"Mm, I'm lucky that way." my brother quipped before Abe accidentally hit something causing the overgrown monkey to say "Ow"

"I worry about you" My father voiced.

"Me?" Red questioned. "What about Rae?"

"Well, I worry for you both." Father looked at me and my brother with a gloomed face before moving behind Red's examining chair "I won't be around forever you know."

I couldn't handle it anymore and walked out of the room, but I didn't notice that I was being followed. "Raven!" Myers's voice rang out causing me to stop in the middle of the hallway long enough for him to catch up. "Hey what's going on?" he asked softly after he caught up to me.

I looked at him and he stepped back making me confused until I saw my reflection in the stainless steel wall. I noticed that not only was I crying but my eyes were pitch black. "Sorry," I whispered.

"No, don't be sorry. I just wasn't expecting it." he placed his hand on my shoulder. "Do you want to talk about it?" I was going to refuse but then thought about all that happened tonight. In the end, I nodded and he guided me away from the medical wing and took me to the library.

When we got to the library, I walked over to the fireplace and threw a small fireball into it, efficiently lighting it. Once it was lit, I sat down on the couch and was suddenly wrapped in a blanket. I looked up at John and smiled. "Thank you" I whispered before patting the spot next to me. "Sit, I don't bite." I joked to which he chuckled and sat down next to me.

Once he sat down, my light-hearted mood turned sour. I guess he saw that and rubbed my shoulder softly. "What's going on, Raven?"

I pulled the blanket closer to my body before whispering. "Father is dying."


I let out a wet chuckle "And he wasn't even going to tell me and he isn't going to tell Red." I started to let out a slightly crazy laugh. "Can you believe that? My father wasn't going to let me know that he was dying, and now he expects me to keep it a secret from my brother." As I began ranting, my powers began to react to my emotions causing the fireplace to go crazy and the water in Abe's tank began to boil. "I know he's not going to be around forever but I thought he was going to be honest about when he would die."

In the middle of my rant, John grabbed me and hugged me close to his chest, whispering calming words as I cried into his chest while clenching onto him like a child to its parent. "Shhh, Raven. I'm sure the professor was holding your best interest at heart when he decided not to tell you." The agent whispered. "I see that he loves you so much and that he wishes he could always be there for you, but he's only human. He makes mistakes." He stroked my hair while saying all of this, causing my crying to go down to sniffles. "It's going to be ok." 

~Hello my little rabbits and mad hatters,

Sorry, it took so long to update.  I have been slammed with work, I work two different retail jobs while also looking into a new job that pays better. So writing got put on the back burner for a bit and today is one of my only days off. Yay. I hope you enjoyed the interaction between John and Raven. Thank you for all of your support and please continue to leave comments for me to read. (even constructive criticism is accepted.) 


The Wonderland Hacker

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