Chapter Five: Canaries and Trolls

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We led Johann to the medical exam room, where we were keeping some of the tooth fairies. "Miss. Broom, from what I have read, you took over after your father's passing correct" the German asked me as I went to get one of the bodies out of cold storage.

"Yes. My father had it in his will that I would be the liaison between the paranormal agents like Abe, Red, and a few others including myself."

"I must say, I was impressed by your file." Johann complimented. "You seem to take after your father in many ways."

I smiled as I placed the tray on the examination table "Thank you. This is one of the fairies from the scene last night. It's a little crispy due to the fact Liz and I had to burn them to survive."

He looked down at the fairy as he tapped his fingers before sighing. "Look at that. Poor little thing" He moved his hands around expressively. "Bought and sold on the black market. Crammed into cargo containers.Smuggled, abused."

As Manning was talking to Liz, Abe handed the German the pictures from the Auction House "The seal on the box also worried me" he tells the man.

"A warring emblem"

I spoke up "Yes, it's the symbol of the Royal family of the Bethmoora clan. The sons of the earth."

Johann seemed happily surprised at how Abe and I were. "Your files say that you two are the brains of the team, and I must admit I am impressed."

Manning, who seemed jealous, spoke up "In my file, you will see that I work closely with both of them"

"Ja, okay." Johann brushed him off "Let's see what our little friend remembers."

Red scoffed. "Your memory gets a little sketchy right after being burned to death, But" He held up an amulet of Saint Malachy "Maybe Saint Malachy can help"

"Oh, no, no." Johann interurppted my brother "No amulets, mein herr. Teleplasty"

"Plastic" Manning whispered to Abe "Very modern"

I rolled my eyes but let Abe explain what teleplasty is. "Teleplasty by which an ectoplasmic medium, such as Dr. Kruass, can control inanimate things. Organic, mechanical, dead or alive."

As Abe was explaining what was happening, Johann was doing so and had reanimated the fairy before him. "Take it, take it all in, mein Junge" Suddenly the fairy gasped for air and struggled to get up. "There we are. Get up" Johann tapped the tray "Get up. Now I have full control of it's limbic system. Let us see how long I can hold it"

The fairy staggered for a bit before setting his eyes on Red and started yelling at the tall red demon. "What?" Red asked defensively "Hey, you chewed off the tip of my tail." I rolled my eyes at the fact my brother was arguing with a zombie fairy at this point.

"He says you're rude, brutish, and not very bright" Johann translated what the fairy said to my brother making me laugh. The fairy continued to chatter and turned to the one who brought him back. "It seems that our little friend here, remembers hearing market sounds and voices, and a peculiar troll language spoken in the last place his cage was opened."

Then it dawned on both of us. "The troll market," We said at the same time.

But everyone else rolled their eyes and Liz spoke up. "The troll market? Come on" She looked down at the fairy and said to it "No one's ever found it"

"That's because it doesn't exist," Red said gruffly.

After Red pointed at the fairy's harshness, the little guy began to choke, struggling to catch a breath. "Uh, Dr. Krauss, our little informant doesn't look so good." Manning pointed out before the little guy died once more.

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