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"Fine." Shevy says handing Priscilla a solid black skirt with a gorgeous goth pattern on it !

Now , Priscilla goes to another room that was connected to their dressing room and with out a problem she puts that one on !

To where it was a regular skirt, it didn't take long for her to change !

Priscilla comes out of the room.

"That looks good on you." Shevy says to Priscilla once she sees her come out.

"I don't see how you girls can wear skirts." Chris says.

"There are pictures of you wearing skirts dad." Priscilla says pretty much putting Chris on the spot.

"Damn it." Chris says quietly because he completely forgot about those pictures that are out there.

"Oh. by the way." Ryan says as he holds up a bass guitar near by Priscilla.

"Nice, whose is it ?" she asks.


Priscilla has a confused look on her face !

"I didn't pack a guitar."

"No, but we did. We had it customized for you." Chris says.

"But im not a member."

"You are in my eyes." Chris says with a smile on his face and Priscilla smiles too !

Priscilla Where stories live. Discover now