Engram File

192 1 1


Fuko Delva

Age: 18

Height: 6'1

Eyes:orange (cybernetic)


Fuko Delva: slim build muscle due to his own make shift training to keep in shape and utilize his stamina giving his muscles a fair tone for not being trained properly

A VooDoo Boys tatoo on his shoulder flaunting his affiliation with the gang running small errands to prove himself

Mental File: Fuko's intelligence isn't higher than the average bear but its not sub-brick either. Not being very prone to Netrunning Fuko relies on his hands and weapons. Fuko isn't lazy but is very easy going and has a mind set of not being seen unless he wants you to see him and leaving his mark after he's done; his mark being two orange eyes and living his life of  being with him or against him and being against him means he'd prefer you dead than alive and his goal of going out with a bang and having his name on a drink in the afterlife. He got a long way to go

Attribute traits






ORANGE EYES  (Cyberpunk X OC)Where stories live. Discover now