3. 'Humble Fruit Cart'

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Zak yanked his leg as hard as he could, but the man was already scrambling for his phone. It was too late. He suddenly had an idea - this could be his last hope. As the man pressed the phone to his ear, Zak kicked his foot straight into the man's outraged face. The phone went flying, and shattered into millions of peices, which spread across the floor. The impact of Zak's foot had knocked out the man, and he was lying on the floor. With luck, he would be out cold for another couple of minutes, before he woke up and called security. Just before he climbed into the vent, a sudden stroke of inspiration hit Zak, if there had been other people nearby, the man would have just shouted, which meant he was probably alone. Zak grabbed a set of jingling keys from the man's belt and hurried out the room.

As soon as he was outside, he looked about him, and saw his original observations were correct; he was, indeed, surrounded by hundreds of boats. No sooner had he run outside, he had to dart behind a bush, as he spotted the black car from earlier pull up outside the house he had been held captive in. He watched as the Australian Guy clambered out, hauling a, what looked like unconscious, Kat. Zak held his breath in terror while the man went inside. A scream of rage issued from the house a few seconds later, Zak guessed the man had found him missing and the guard knocked out cold, his phone broken beyond repair.
Silently, Zak trembled all over as the Australian guy angrily strode over to the car and spoke harshly to the chauffeur. Then he climbed into the car, still dragging Kat behind him, and, once again, it drove away with Zak still staring after it.

The car was almost completely out of sight when something clunked into place. Zak started, he needed to follow the car - Kat, and most like the case, were hidden inside that tiny black dot in the distance. Not caring whether anyone saw him, not caring whether anyone stopped him, he sprinted towards the rapidly decreasing dot. As fast as he was, Zak had to face the fact that he just wasn't fast enough. The car was going...going...gone.

Zak stopped. He looked about him. The place was eerily quiet. Though hundreds of boats lined the harbour, there were no people on or near them, and though many small cottages ran along the sides of the small dirt track, there seemed to be no sign of life whatsoever. Depressed, he sat down behind a close bush and put his head on his knees.  He could hear the the gentle sway of the dancing waves, the distant rumble of thunder, and the ever-nearing hum of an engine.

...Wait... An engine? That must mean there was a vehicle nearby! Zak slowly pivoted as he scrutinized the near area for signs of vehicles. He was about to give up, when he spotted two glaring pinpricks on the horizon. Zak's heart gave a bound of joy - headlights! As the vehicle drew closer to Zak's hiding place, his body tensed and his breathing became shallow. It was so close now. Zak could see now that 'the vehicle' was, in fact, a small fruit cart, driven by a man who must have, at least, been in his late sixties. Everything on this mission now depended on this worn down, humble cart.

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