See you later

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(Achilles was born a human around the same time as Cauis. Him and Cauis were best friends till one day they both admitted their love for each other. But Cauis after awhile leaves Achilles because he is scared. Achilles gets taken and is turned into a Half snake/ half human. He is saved by Aro who as a teenager snuck into the building that held Achilles. Aro just like Cauis falls for him then leaves him. Marcus picks up the broken man when he finds him hiding in a cave. Marcus finds him when he is turned into a vampire. The story will start out first with Cauis then moves on)

Achilles was watching as Cauis walked away from him after telling him that they couldn't be together. The next thing he remembers is pain and then waking up in a cage. He sighs as he looks at the necklace Cauis gave him. "It's funny 'cause I've always dreamed of me and you. Now here we are staring at the stars. You just broke my heart even though you promised. You'd never do that from the start. But I guess we can only make it so far. 'Cause time wasn't in our favour. This isn't goodbye, this is simply see you later." He hangs the necklace on a hook in his cage.

(A few years later)
Achilles is curled up in the cage. He doesn't even know how long it's been since a human came to the building. He only knows that he's only surviving of Rats and other a animals. He looks at the necklace that was still on the hook only difference now is that it has rusted through the years. "Let me know when it's time to come back. Maybe when your life is on track and you don't have to hesitate. Hopefully it isn't too late. Luckily for you, I'm patient. I'm okay with your making me wait and as long as you're near, I'll be here. Even if it takes ten years." He watches as a Black haired teen about 19 or so walks into the building. The teen gasps as he sees Achilles and runs over to help the snake/ human. The boy opens the cage and helps him out "Omg are you okay?" Achilles nods "Yea. Who are you?" Aro smiles "I'm aari. Here I have a cave you can hide in so your not in this building all alone." Aro leads the male to a cave. They talk and laugh. For a year the two get too know each other and even become lovers before one day aari never comes back. Achilles waits for his lover to come back as he says "Can't fall in love, when I found the ones. How am I supposed to move on. When you're never really too far gone. The memories won't go away. I feel pain every time I think your names. But I always think of you the same. 'Cause time wasn't in our favour. This isn't goodbye, this is simply see you later." He curls up in a nest he made as he waits for his lover.

(10 years pass)
Achilles sighs as he looks at the cave entrance still waiting for his lover. "Let me know when it's time to come back. Maybe when your life is on track and you don't have to hesitate. Hopefully it isn't too late. Luckily for you, I'm patient. I'm okay with your making me wait and as long as you're near, I'll be here. Even if it takes ten years." He curls up and falls to sleep crying. He couldn't help the feeling that he will never see either of his lovers ever again.

(A few years later)

Achilles wakes up to a male shakeing him "Hey are you okay?" Achilles opens his eyes to see beautiful red eyes staring back at him. Achilles blinks and smiles "Hi. Your not either of them two but your still really nice." Marcus smiles "My names Marcus." Achilles smiles back "I'm Achilles. Nice to meet you Marcus." Marcus smiles and looks around "Hey why don't you come live in my castle with me I hate to leave you alone." Achilles shrugs "I'm kinda waiting for someone to come." Marcus nods "Then I'll come visit you everyday." Achilles nods but doesn't believe him. Him and Marcus talks for the rest of the night till Marcus says "I need to get back to my place. I'll come back tomorrow." Achilles nods and curls up before going to sleep.
The next morning he wakes up only to not see Marcus so he thinks he left him like everyone else. Achilles wipes a tear as he says "Let me know when it's time to come back. Maybe when your life is on track and you don't have to hesitate. Hopefully it isn't too late. Luckily for you, I'm patient. I'm okay with your making me wait and as long as you're near, I'll be here. Even if it takes ten years." He fills someone hug him and he opens his eyes to see Marcus. Marcus whispers "You don't have to wait ten years for anyone. I will stay here for you. I brought two of my friends that live with me." He waved his hand and Achilles gasps as his eyes land on Cauis and Aro. "How it's been longer then 10 years how are y'all alive?" Aro blinks before he gasps "Oh my god. Your... you look the same." Cauis blinks and says "Uh your Achilles like your my Achilles?" Achilles sits up and moves towards the two vampires before hugging them. "I missed you two so much."

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