Chapter 1

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Haley's P.O.V

Today is gonna be spectacular, its my one year anniversary with my successful, handsome hunk of babe(boyfriend), hehe.. Am so excited. Am planning to go over my best friend's house later to pass time til my baby gets home from work.

As soon as i got downstairs my phone rang.

"Hello?" i answered,

"Hey babe" said Jerome

My face lit up like the sun when i heard his voice, then i perkily said,

"Hehe.. Hey baby, whats going on? I cant wait for tonight, its gonna be so special."

"Sorry Haley, but it looks like i will be running late tonight, but am still looking forward to spending some quality time with you on this special day." he said in a regretful tone.

''Oh.... i guess I'll wait up for you then" i said in a sad tone

"Are you gonna be okay til then?" he asked

"Yeah, of course.. i got Kacey to hang out with , am gonna be fine." i replied

"Okay good... well gotta go now, love you bye." he said in a rush manner before he hung up.

"Well guess its just me and Kacey today" i said to myself. I got my phone out and called Kacey.


Kacey: Sup? (she said breathing heavily)

Haley: Are you okaii?

Kacey: Yeah, am just... uhh..( she stuttered) Am just doin some house work that is all.

Haley: O...K (i said confused) so what time should we meet?

Kacey: Oh... wow... am sorry but i already have plans

Haley: What plans?

Kacey: I met a really cute guy and we're going on a date today(she said in a rushing and uneasy tone) You understand, right?

*I wanted to shout and tell her that she is a STUPID BITCH for blowing me off, but instead i said

Haley: Pssh.... I totally understand.. Go get em girl

Kacey: Thanks. (she said then hung up)


 Jerome's P.O.V

I just called and lied to Haley. Now am here with Kacey , we were having sex when Kacey phone rang. She spoke for a while, then when she hung up she told me that it was Haley calling her to find out what she was doing for the day.

Jerome: Why didn't you go?

Kacey: Cause its our time now, she got you more than i do

Jerome: I think i should probably go home, she needs to be comforted (I got off the bed)

Kacey: What about me!!!!??? I need to be comforted too!!

Jerome: I know, but its a special day for Haley. I wanna be there for her.... I wanna show her that i care.

Kacey : If you cared, you would be here with me

Jerome: Am only here because you begged me to come here.

Kacey: But you wanted to... You wanted from me, what your 'little girlfriend' couldn't give to you

Jerome: And whats that?

Kacey: (walking towards me) Great sex.... you wanted a freak and she wasn't... so that's where i came in (touching my face) i can do it all

Jerome:Umm.... hold up... Even though Haley isn't the freaky type, she gives the Best Sex Ever!!!

Kacey: So why are you here?

Jerome: Becouse i promised Haley that we wont have sex until she is finished with her college exams. Her happiness means the world to me and am now realizing that by doing this... its actually hurting her

Kacey: Aww... cut the crap. You've been with me for 4 month and her exams started two months ago

Jerome: She's been studying nonstop.... She had no time for me, plus you were all up on me so, i figured why not.

Kacey: So you had me as a whore?

Jerome:Well, yeah, arent you?? Thats why i always use more than 2 condoms.

Kacey: you know what just go

* I got up and put my clothes on, kissed her on her for what i hoped was the last time, then left to spend time with the love of my life, Haley...*

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