Chapter 21 See You Again

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Lisa's POV

"That was really good, Lisa." Cubby told me as he walked over to me.

"Thank you Cubby." I thanked him

Now that I'm back in Troupe A, I am never going to take it for granted again.

Izzy's POV

There were now indian dancers in Studio A, rehearsal and Troupe A is watch them.

Bhartatantyam dancing is a very expressive dance style originating from southern India. I brought in these dancers because they are so expressive and emotional and that's what we need to bring into our routine. Once the Indian dancers were finished with their dance, everyone clapped.

"Give it up for our Bhartatantyam dancers!" I told the team as the Indian dancers waved goodbye and left.

"As dancers I thought it'd be important to show you guys a different style of dance that we don't usually look at." I said

"Bhartatantyam dancers are..." I was about to explain as a Bart interrupting me.

"Wait, wait, wait Bhatha what?" Bart asked.

"Bhartatantyam, so my point is that way they dance was full of soul. I mean I think that's what our regionals routine is missing." I said.

"I think we should totally do one of their moves." Pirate Princess suggested.

" that one with their feet." Pirate Princess exclaimed as everyone agreed with her.

"We could do something like that just the feeling and the heart." I exclaimed.

"What if we do an overhead lift." Lisa asked.

"No, absolutely not that's way too risky. We can't throw that in at this moment." Peter exclaimed.

"Lisa and I used to do overhead Liftz all the time." Cubby exclaimed.

"Yeah, all the time." Lisa said.

"Yeah, what about like the helicopter lift or something like that." I suggested.

"Agreed." Everyone agreed on my idea.

"Yeah." Everyone said.

"Yup, easy." Lisa exclaimed.

"Okay, we'll think about it." Peter told us.

"But in the meantime, get back to rehearsal okay?" Peter wanted to know.

"Okay, we all told him as he left along with Red Jessica.

"How cool would helicopter...?" Lisa said.

"Yeah, yeah!" Bart said.

"Right?" Cubby exclaimed.

Cubby's POV

Izzy, Lisa and I started to walk into studio B. That's when Izzy started to speak.

"I was find of really disappointed I mean I haven't seen it before and that's why I wanted to ask you guys if you could take me through the helicopter lift, if you could just show me like how you do it and stuff?" Izzy asked.

"Yeah." Stormy answered.

"Yeah?" Izzy exclaimed.

"Sure." I said.

"So, basically Cubby, stands in a second a wide second parallel feet and I step in front." Lisa told me as she steps in front of Cubby.

"I extend my right leg, cubby then grabs underneath my right leg and my left hip." Lisa finished explaining.

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