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Genevieve and Taylor sat on the couch drinking wine together after dinner. "So have you got the casting together yet?" Genevieve asked. "Not yet. We have a few people in mind that we want to audition but we won't be running auditions until next week." Taylor replied. Genevieve nodded. "So is that all you have left?" Genevieve asked.

"Yes." Taylor nodded. "Then we start filming?" Genevieve asked. "That's the plan." Taylor replied. They sat in silence for a moment feeling like they were running out of things to talk about. There were a million things either of them could talk about, but none were appropriate to talk about in the moment.

"So how's your family?" Genevieve asked. "Pretty good actually." Taylor said pouring herself another cup of wine. "That's good." Genevieve nodded. "Speaking of family, how's your dad?" Taylor asked.

Genevieve faintly smiled, "He's fine. Happier." She shrugged. "What's been going on with your parents anyways?" Taylor asked. Genevieve stared down at her glass and lightly swirled her wine around. "They actually got a divorce when I was away at school. My dad didn't tell me until later because he didn't want me to worry about it."

"What happened?" Taylor asked. Genevieve nervously tapped her fingers against the glass, "They just had irreconcilable differences. She apparently couldn't stand living with him or being with him anymore. She still wanted nothing to do with me either." She replied. Taylor hesitated for a moment. "What...what happened that night I went to see you?" Taylor asked. Genevieve looked at her confused, "Which one?" She asked.

"The night after your mother caught us in your room." Taylor replied. Genevieve looked down at her glass. "She was upset with me about everything that happened that year with Bryan and that video. Dad knew about us but she still didn't. So seeing you in my bed after everything that was going on...she lost it."

"I remember you saying she was upset, but you never really talked about what happened after I left." Taylor replied. The words her mother said to her all those years ago never left her mind and haunted her ever since. She couldn't even bring herself to repeat them without wanting to burst into tears. "That's not important now."Genevieve replied.

"But why was she so upset if we were innocent and that situation wasn't even our fault?" Taylor asked. "Because you weren't Bryan." Genevieve said. Taylor got quiet. "In her eyes you were a threat to the fantasy she had for me." Genevieve replied. "And what fantasy was that?" Taylor asked.

Genevieve sipped her wine, "Marrying a successful man from a good family. The kind of man you bring home to your parents and show off to all your friends. The one you have this picture perfect suburban family with." She explained. Taylor glanced down at her wine trying to hide the disappointment in her face. "But Bryan was an asshole. Would she still think that about him knowing what he did?" Taylor asked with a slightly bitter tone.

Genevieve leaned against her hand, "I don't think her issue was necessarily about Bryan." She replied. "Then what was it?" Taylor asked. Genevieve silently stared into Taylor's blue eyes. "She just didn't like you." Genevieve replied. There was a slight sadness in Taylor's eyes that the rest of her face poorly attempted to mask. "I mean I know we weren't exactly the best of friends at first but I thought I redeemed myself enough. Why wouldn't she even give me a chance?" Taylor replied.

"Let's just not talk about that." Genevieve said not having the heart to give Taylor the answer. She understood perfectly well what her mother's problem was. But although she didn't have the heart to tell her, she also just didn't have the courage to say it aloud and hear it herself.

They sat in awkward silence for a moment. "It's getting late. I should get back home." Taylor said. Genevieve nodded, "I'll walk you out." Genevieve replied. They made their way to the front door. They awkwardly stood across from each other not knowing if they should end their night with a brief and friendly goodbye or a brief hug. "Thanks for agreeing to have dinner with me tonight." Taylor said breaking the silence between them. "I can't lie, it gets pretty lonely out here for me too. It was nice not having dinner alone for a change."

Genevieve sighed, "I hate to say this but...I agree. It was nice having the company." She replied. "Maybe we can do it again sometime?" Taylor suggested. Genevieve put her hand up to pause her, "Baby steps." Genevieve replied. "Right." Taylor faintly smiled. "Well, thanks again. It was nice seeing you." Taylor hesitatingly went in for a hug not knowing if Genevieve would do the same but surprising enough Genevieve actually let her.

Taylor felt a slight flutter in her stomach the moment her body made contact with Genevieve's again. She held her close. The intoxicating scent of Genevieve's perfume filled her nose. It had been 10 years since she last got to feel her like this. All she wanted to do was melt in her touch, she never realized how much she missed having Genevieve in her arms again until now.

The hug lingered for a moment until Taylor managed to finally pull herself away while she still had her sanity. "Thanks again." Taylor said. Genevieve simply gave her a soft smile in return. Taylor couldn't help but stare for a moment. Genevieve's eyes didn't have that hateful look that felt like she was shooting daggers at her anymore. They had a gentleness to them that Taylor hadn't seen shown to her in years. She couldn't help but smile to herself, as if Genevieve's eyes were giving her hope that something was there again. "Bye." Taylor softly smiled and made her way to her car. Genevieve watched her get in her car. Taylor started her car and looked at the front door where Genevieve was still standing. She waved goodbye one last time. Genevieve waved goodbye and went back inside. "It's a start." Taylor whispered and smiled to herself.

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