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Genevieve was relaxing at home when her phone went off. She answered her phone without checking who it was. "Hello?" She asked. "Hey!" Taylor's voice came through. "Oh, hey." Genevieve replied. "Are you busy tomorrow morning by any chance?" She asked.

"Why?" Genevieve skeptically questioned. "I wanted to see if you maybe wanted to join me on a hike?" Taylor suggested. "A hike?" Genevieve asked. "Yeah. We finally wrapped up casting this week and I wanted to go out and just talk about the details before we get into the studio for filming." Taylor explained. "So what do you say?"

Genevieve thought about it for a moment. "Sure." She replied. "So I'll pick you up around 7 a.m.?" She asked. "Ugh do we have to be up that early?" Genevieve groaned. "Genevieve." Taylor replied. "Yeah yeah. I'll be up." Genevieve replied. "Alright I'll see you tomorrow." Taylor hung up.

Genevieve's phone began to ring. It was early morning for her she picked up her phone and tiredly opened her eyes and saw Taylor was calling. She quickly answered."Why haven't you been answering your phone?" Genevieve asked in annoyance. "Well hello to you too." Taylor replied.

"Is something wrong?" Genevieve asked. "No?" Taylor replied. "Then why haven't you been answering my calls?" Genevieve asked. "I've been busy." Taylor replied. "Doing what?" Genevieve asked. "I have hobbies I keep myself occupied with you know." Taylor replied. "Do they not allow you time to answer your girlfriend who's been worried sick about you?" Genevieve asked.

"You barely ever have time to talk to me, Genevieve. You're always cutting our conversations short. So I'm sorry that I've occupied myself with something while you've been away." Taylor argued. "I've had time and I've been trying to call you. You still don't answer so I figured you must be upset with me." Genevieve replied. "Maybe I am." Taylor replied.

The line went silent for a moment. "And what are you upset with now?" Genevieve asked. "Genevieve, this was supposed to be our summer. Its been hard having you be so far away. We barely have time to talk, I don't get to see you everyday, and you're off in New York having fun like you forgot I existed." Taylor replied. Genevieve stayed silent. "G.G. time for our improv class!" Her friend shouted and knocked on her dorm room door. "I have to go. I'll talk to you later...if you feel like finally answering the phone." Genevieve coldly replied and hung up.


It was early and Genevieve was tired and regretting her choice to go on a hike this morning. Genevieve got into Taylor's car and buckled up. "I brought you coffee. Just how you like it." Taylor smiled and held out a cup of coffee. Genevieve glance down at the coffee. "The way I used to like it." She replied. Taylor glanced down at the cup and looked up at Genevieve confused.

"I don't drink coffee anymore. It just made me feel more drained. I drink juice." She said holding up a bottle of juice. "Juice?" Taylor asked. "It's a healthy juice, it's good for you." Genevieve replied. Taylor faintly smiled and drove off in silence. Part of her felt lost. All she really remembered and knew about Genevieve were things from their past.

Taylor felt stupid that she felt sad about something as small like coffee. But she couldn't help it. It only reminded her that she really didn't know who Genevieve was anymore. She knew the old Genevieve. But she still had yet to meet and know the new Genevieve and hope this Genevieve could fit Taylor into her new life again.

"So how was casting?" Genevieve asked making small talk. "It went pretty well I think we actually have a solid cast for the film." Taylor replied. "So who's involved?" Genevieve asked. "Some smaller actors. But your co-star is amazing. Mason and I had to jump and get him on board and he was one of the best choices out of all the auditions we got." Taylor replied. "Who is it?" Genevieve asked.

"Jaxon Andros? Not sure if you've heard of him, apparently he's much more known overseas." Taylor replied. "Andros?" Genevieve questioned. "Mhm." Taylor nodded. "It sounds so familiar but I can't remember the last time I heard of it." Genevieve replied. "Well you can meet him when we start filming next week. He's pretty nice, so you shouldn't have to worry about working with some pretentious divo." Taylor jokingly reassured. Genevieve laughed, "Sounds good."

Taylor was feeling sluggish but noticed Genevieve seemed much more lively and active as they made their way up the trail. Genevieve glanced back at Taylor who was lagging behind, "What happened I thought you were the one so insistent on hiking." She teased.

"Maybe you were right about the coffee." Taylor replied. Genevieve softly laughed and stopped so Taylor could catch up. They walked side by side and enjoyed the nature around them. "So is there anything else that's changed about you that I should know about? Besides the coffee." Taylor jokingly asked.

"I grew an inch." Genevieve jokingly replied knowing that wasn't what Taylor meant. Taylor gave her an unamused look. Genevieve laughed. "Well what is there to tell? We're humans. Our likes and dislikes fluctuate. I'm pretty sure you've grown in and out of phases." She shrugged. Taylor looked off in silence.

There were so many questions she had. There were still so many questions she wanted to ask but knew she couldn't. Not unless she wanted to ruin what they were slowly working on. Taylor wanted to know every intricate detail about her no matter how stupid or minuscule it was. She could sit off and listen to Genevieve go on and on about anything and everything. She just enjoyed having her close again and didn't want to ruin it.

They stopped to take a break on a bench along their path and took in the view of the mountains and the city in the distance. "So..."Taylor said nervous to ask a question sand afraid she would say the wrong thing that would upset her. "Hm?" Genevieve asked. "Have you...are you..." Taylor said hesitant to ask her question.

"Have I..?" Genevieve said waiting for Taylor's full response. "Have you been seeing anyone lately?" She asked. Genevieve shrugged, "I've had flings here and there. Nothing too serious, some were mostly for publicity. Business things." She replied. Taylor looked off slightly upset.

Genevieve noticed the conflicted expression on Taylor's face. "Don't act like you haven't been having your share of flings over the years." Genevieve replied. "Me?" Taylor questioned. "People talk, Taylor. I've heard about the publicity stunts and the relationships you were in." Genevieve replied. "It's not like most of them ever meant anything." Taylor said.

"I've heard about being out and about with other girls. Your 'friends' as you say." Genevieve slightly teased. Taylor's cheeks turned a light red. "I mean yeah...but none of them were you." She replied. There was a brief moment of deafening silence and Taylor was afraid she might have let a little too much slip. "We should finish up the rest of the trail before more people show up and swarm us when they realize we're here." Genevieve said changing the conversation. Taylor nodded followed her off to finish the rest of the trail.

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