Small Tavern

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I stumbled back in surprised fear. That thing was a dragon?

Hollyberry quickly dismissed the worry between our group.
"Wait a minute... That's.. I recognize this voice!" Her aura was more upset rather than afraid. "Ugh. I'll take care of it, you two. Hah. Looks like we found what we were looking for."  Hollyberry set her shield out as the monster landed, the strong winds buffeting everything around us.

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I never would've imagined fighting an actual dragon, yet despite our exhaustion the beast seemed to falter. I felt relieved, ready to collapse from the battle. Wildberry, being Wildberry, didn't rest for a moment.
"Hold on. It might be a trick. You know how cunning dragons can be. Don't let your guard dow–" Before he could finish his sentence, the beast let out a low groan, collapsed to the ground instead as a smaller figure clutching its side.
"Wh-?!" The three of us gasped in unison. I walked closer to the dragon, now in a smaller form. "We really defeated it?"
Hollyberry ran ahead of me, shouting at him.
"Pitaya Dragon! Get up! Get up and fight back! What is wrong with you?" She leaned over, most likely to provoke the now harmless monster, but I stopped her.
"Hollyberry! Hold on– it looks like he really is hurt... enough for this to happen at least. We found who we needed, right? Let's continue to our next stop and let them rest up. More than just a nap, too. I might have to heal him." Despite how it had already treated us the moment we faced it, I was truly concerned.

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We arrived at a small tavern conveniently located in the middle of the jungle, which allowed me to take a good look at what wounds I was working with here.
"Jesus Christ, Wildberry, you know we're supposed to keep him alive, right?" I inspected the damage from earlier, healing up to what degree I could. Hollyberry poured four cups with excessive amounts of juice while I tended to the dragon. The fact that he was asleep made it much easier, I had a feeling it would be harder to ease him if he was awake.
"Don't work yourself to death there. Berry juice ought to do the trick– that's just what the rascal needs to make himself new again," she took a large drink before continuing. "It surely helps me after a long day!" She laughed to herself, before pushing over a cup to Wildberry. "Juice, Wildberry? Y/n?"
He only grunted in response. "No, thank you."
I shook my head along with Wildberry. "Hollyberry! I can't save someone's life while I'm half-drunk," I pointed out while chuckling at her enthusiasm for her favorite beverage.
I sat up but hesitated when I noticed the creature stirring.

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Hi there! Sorry for the long wait (and short chapter), I've been so busy with school 💔

Eye for an Eye (Pitaya Dragon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now