Chapter 1

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I new this was a bad idea. I shouldnt have agreed. It was stupid of me, foolish. The music blasts all around us, colours shinning through diffrent lights. My two friends smile at my obvious frown. I slouch into the booth more. Hoping that it could some how take me away. Taylor one of my bestfriends says something, although I cant hear anything from the music around us, but not only that I'm drunk. Like really, really drunk.
"What!" I yell over the music. Taylor comes closer and yells in my ear.
"We should go dance." She looks back to Grace and they both grin. Grace pipes up.
  "Yeah, it wouldn't hurt for one dance. Maybe we could meet some guys." Taylor cuts her off.
"It would be really fun!" I roll my eyes knowing they're trying to find me some hot re-bound guy, like they have been for the past four months.
"Thanks, but I'm good!" Trying to sound sarcastic so they know there attempt didn't work. They both roll there eyes at the same time. I go to take a sip of my drink but nothing comes on to my tongue. I sigh being annoyed and watch Grace and Taylor laugh at me. I tell them to go dance and that I'll get us more drinks. When the girls leave I go to stand but stumble. I note in my head to grab water as well.

It takes me a few minutes to get through the people and to the bar. I try to flag down one of the bartenders but there helping somone else. I sit on a stool and feel the cold of the chair rush straight to my butt. I pull out my phone and go straight to instagram. The first photo that pops up makes me want to scream. There is a picture of him and Grace. Worst of all its from here. Are you fucking kidding me? Everything is happening to fast. My eyes begin to water, my hand goes u to wipe my eyes but before I can a guy is handing me a napkin. 
"Here." He says in a husky voice. I wisper a thanks and call over three shots. Within seconds there all gone and the man looks at me as if i just ate my hand. "Are you ok?" He asks, but this time in a more gental voice. I go stand but his hand goes straight for my thigh. "You know, if your sad maybe I can make you feel better." This time a sly grin pulls across his face he changed his face exspression so fast it caught me off gaurd. My insides scream at me to run but there is people everywhere and no one is paying attention. And the last thing I want to do is make a scene. I rasie my chin and smile back.
"I'm fine, But thanks anyway." I say in a harsh voice. His grip tightens and I let out a small wimper. His grin grows and he leans in so his mouth is hovering near my ear.
  "You better fucking behave or things are about to get a lot worse." My eyes widen at his words and his hand moves more up my thigh so its near the hem of my shorts. My hand flys to his but his other arm wips around and grasps both my wrists. He pushs me off my chair, so that I stand, but of course my dumb, drunk self stumbles to the ground landing on somones feet. My hair covers my face so that I cant see whats going on. I try to stand but get nowhere. My hearing goes fuzzy as well as my eye sight. Seconds later a hand slaps across my face. "Bitch!" The same man from before yells. My hands brace myself trying not to completly topel over from the impact.
Minutes pass and I can hear shuffling. A hand comes down on my arm gentally. I look up from the ground to see a man crouching down beside me. My breath is gone within seconds from the sight of this man. Hes tall and strong but not too buff, with the most amazing brown hair. He's wearing a black suit. 
"Are you ok?" He asks. I nod my head, unable to speak, still coming out from my day dream. "I'm going to help you up." his other hand finds my waist and guides me to stand. I stumbel on my heels and he catchs me. My back is againsr his firm chest. I spin and step back. Now feeling very akward. Theres a small smile on his face from when I fell into him. My eyes travel down the mans body following his tall structure. Admiring the sight. Within a second my heart stops when my eyes lock onto his gun. I slowy take steps back, my face becoming completly pale. He looks at me confused and follows my gaze. He steps teward me with his arm out. "It's ok, I wont hurt you."  He says trying to calm me down. I shake my head unable to speack words. I begin to trembel. My head starts to get dizzy again. I start to stumble
and then I fall my eyes shutting close. Big arms come around me and I'm lifted into the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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