t w e n t y

2 0 0

Kiana Pierce

Seeing my so-called uncle and his apparent wife infuriated me. Worked on my last nerve.

How dare he?! Think he could ever replace my parents.

I iched to punch them and make them feel the pain and torture I went through cause of his greedineas and manipulation.

I paced rapidly in the living room waiting for Kya to come home. It was past midnight maybe round 1 in the morning,I couldn't sleep.

"Calm down Kia,you gonna wear the carpet out" Davina yells from the kitchen

As I was about to respond,the sound of the door opening interrupted my train of thoughts.

Kya walked into the room,clothes tatted and smeered with blood. Her breaths hard and heavy,collapsed on her knees. Davina ran in with a glass of water when I screamed her name

"Kya! Are you okay?"

She gulped down the glass needily. I looked down at her just as she lifted her head and looked into my eyes.

Before her body went limp.


I kept checking on Kya as each day I grow more worried. She has been unconscious for about 3 days. 2 days since the ball. Walking out of Kya's room into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. This house feels empty without her,the halls that were filled with our bickering now only held silence.

I sighed heavily before joining Davina in the living room.

She watched the tv intensely displaying the current events of this dammed empire

"....the king has instructed the kingdom to go into lockdown admist the recent events..."

"....there is turmoil amongst citizens of Rixen as there are sights of uprisings in many of the kingdom's cities. The general has deployed his armies around to "diffuse" the situation..."

"....there has been a massacre in Sybra.."

"....the police haven't found the identity of the vigilante that murdered Lucas Walton in cold blood.."

"Turn it off!" I screamed

Davina switches the tv off and looks at me weirdly

"What?" I tsked

She just shrugged her shoulders.


I laid in bed, unable to sleep. The images from the news filled my head and tormented me, sight of children laying in pools of blood and the elderly's lifeless eyes stared at me, deeply as if they were trying to see my soul and suck it dry.

The sky rumbled as if preparing to strike the earth to feel it's wrath. The clouds darkened as they grew heavier with rain, the wind restless and violent, shaking leaves off the tress, rattling the trinkets that hung under the porch roof, loudly whispering its thoughts against the windows. 

The thunder struck lighting up the sky with its purple and white hue. Its sound resonates after filling the dead night with fear as this signifies the anger of the Gods.

Beautiful but terrifying.

I heard my door creak open and I stood up straight, squinting to try and make out who it was. Through the slight opening of the curtains, the light from the thunder illuminated her  figure.


"Hey" she says, her voice hoarse

"Hi, when did you wake up?" I ask

"Few minutes ago." she whispers

We stayed silent the only noise was from the waging war the sky had with the earth.

"Do you mind if I slept here?" She timidly asked

What? Sleep here? In my room?

"Uhm..." I trailed off

"Its fine if you don't want to" she mumbles

I scooted over and patted the empty space, she hesitantly walked over to me and got under the covers.

"You okay?" I asked

"Ye-yea" she stammered "I'm ju-just sc-scared of th-the st-storm"

"Hey, calm down" I cooed

She calmly exhales before looking up at me with her glossy hazel green eyes, as if she was asking for permission to move closer.

I nodded

Now we were cuddling, t he storm quietly brewing in the background. I played with the tiny baby hairs at the back of her messy bun. In the dark, I managed to spot a mark on her skin almost shaped like an X. I lightly traced over it and she flinched, that she hit her head against the headboard.

"Shit, sorry" I spewed

She snuggles deeper into the blankets, I couldn't keep my eyes off that mark, like it held all of her secrets.

Kya's breath started to even out, letting me know she's almost asleep. Yawning, I looked outside to see that storm had cooled down, I pulled her closer to me before closing my eyes. Wishing for more moments like this.

"I think like you"


A/N: thoughts on the chapter?



-Stormii 🧚‍♂️

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