Chapter Fifteen- Roomate

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Arcee's Pov

I gazed at the paper before me and chewed the inside of my cheeks. I believe I may have overpacked because in this human body it felt as though I was pulling a crate of bricks. I hissed a curse, they were this heavy earlier but it now felt as though I had bodies stuffed in the darn things. If that were the case it would be nice if those bodies belonged to two of my favorite cons; Arachnid and Starscream.

I paused, a paper being pulled from my pocket. Apparently our trainer's wished to be creative because women had to raffle our rooms while men were randomly assigned. I gazed at the paper as I began to move again, silently I prayed that I was not paired with a con. In not paying attention to that which was In front me I slammed into another body, my suitcases falling. I pulled my gaze from the paper only to stare at a ranked soldier, her eyes as firm as her face.

Well this is quite embarrassing.

"My apologies Sergeant Mullings!" I gave a salute, my eyes equally firm.

"You are pardoned ma'am try to keep the paper lower and the eyes higher" she told me and I maintained my posture until she walked by me. My eyes moved to the door that was engraved with the numbers that matched the one present on the paper in my hand. Upon reaching the door I gave a small knock.

"Come in!" a female voice yelled from the other side of the door and I did just that, my suitcases being shoved into the room whereby I used my feet to have the door closed.

"You must be my roomie, Sandra Foster" she greeted before giving a simi salute. I returned the gesture.

"Ciara Emilio" I greeted and she smirked before taking her previous position.

My luck seemed to have vanished upon my capture just weeks ago. I was now destined to be the roommate of the woman the sergeant did not particularly like, a woman who appeared as though her mouth did her far more harm than good. Sandra Foster, Sandra Fragging (fucking) Foster. I gazed at the clothing all over the floor, my eyes moving from the items to the owner.

This had to be the biggest joke yet. It hadn't even been an hour yet I could already see the scrap (shit) I was in. I was honestly curious as to why gender was so much of an issue here because for the small amount of time I was human male and female operated perfectly fine in the same space, exhibit A being myself and Bumblebee.

I actually would have preferred if we shared a room at this moment.

To make things worse ever since I got here I gained no opportunity to exchange words with the blond fellow and with the rules in place I would be risking my ass trying to see him. Based on the list provided Bumblebee was just as unlucky as I was because he now shared a room with a Decepticon and I only hoped my partner was smart enough to sleep with one eye open. I closed my eyes as I inhaled deeply. It has only been a few weeks with this woman Arcee, I tried my very best to provide some amount of comfort.

I thought of calling Bee or even getting into this social media fascination the way my younger sister did but then it dawned on me. Our phones were taken upon arrival, permitted to be used on weekends and public holidays. I placed my suitcases next to what I assumed was now my bed, my hair being pulled into a loose ponytail.

Was it too late to quit?

"So what brings you in?" the woman asked as she took a bite of what I considered an oversized sandwich. Was she not informed of our meal plans? How did she sneak the thing in the first place?

"You ask that question as though this is prison" I stated firmly as I slowly began to unpack, my eyes burning slightly as I craved rest. In fact, Sangster advised lots of rest for the days ahead. To be quite honest he appeared to be the strict one of the team assigned with training so I am quite sure he had nothing simply planned.

"Is it not?" she asked and I took a deep breath as I turned to face her. if she deemed this the worst thing yet one step into my life and she would have had another thing coming.

"I have been through the worst" I told her and my eyes moved to the wall, from the depths of Cybertronian war to being in the clutches of the Cons nothing of the human world brought fright.

"The meal and clothing requested" Shockwave practically kicked the food to Bee's feet, the clothing being dumped on the floor. The clothing was far from new, in fact they held stains, majority of those stains being blood.

Were humans plucked from the garments?

"Examine the female" when Soundwave, who was also human, his face covered by a mask approached me I took steps back until I was against the wall. Before Bee could move there was a knife to his throat, Shockwave clicking his tongue.

"Retaliation seems most...illogical" with that he shook Bee slightly, the knife being pulled closer. Bee raised his arm in surrender while human Soundwave freed his tentacles that were now smaller in appearance.

"They are hiding something and I wish to learn what it is brother" Shockwave stated and Soundwave remained weird in the human body, his face was still shielded by a white mask. Hands covered by black gloves took hold of my throat, tentacles climbing my body as my feet were no longer on the ground.

"Stay out of my head you faceless freak!" I warned him as though I could prevent him from obtaining the information desired.

"Emilio, earth to Emilio" my eyes moved to the woman who yelled my name. She breathed a sigh of relief, her face being stuffed once again. She continued to chew loudly, sauce all over her face in doing so.

"If whatever you faced sent you to space then I must say the army can't be that bad after all" she stated and I really wished she would stop talking. She took huge bites of her meal until she was finished, a loud belch filling the room. For a small girl like myself she sure as hell desired food in large proportions.

"Would you mind?" I asked as I gestured to the mess she created and she stood.

"Oh yes, I was about to get to that" she stated and I rubbed the back of my neck. Why did I feel as though I would be sharing a room with a child?

"You were good in the field by the way" she commented as she started cleaning, her blond hair being wrapped into a tight bun immediately after dumping clothing onto her bed.

"Thank you" it was a bit dry but my audio receptors (ears) really craved a break at this point. Whatever Bee was doing at this moment had to be far better than what I was doing. 

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