A Small Chat

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   Thomas and the sides were watching a show, it was silent for a while (aside from the tv) until like he always does Patton started asking questions that had a pretty obvious answer until he thought of one that none of the other 4 would think of.

  "Hey, Logan?" Patton said turning to Logan

  "Yes, Patton?" Logan replied with an annoyed sigh as for he was the main one answering most of Patton's questions

  "What would happen if one of the sides... Disappeared?" Patton asked as the others looked at Patton as they heard that question

  "Thats actually an interesting question" Virgil said looking towards Logan as he knew from experience that Logan would be the one to answer it, whilst Roman continued to look at Patton with a confused face and Thomas looked at his phone to seemingly extract himself from the conversation

  "Well, we've already seen how Thomas acts without his anxiety, except for Virgil himself-" Logan replied before getting interrupted

  "I think I know from how you explained it before" Virgil interrupted

  "Thank you, Virgil" Logan replied clearly being upset about being interrupted "anyway, without me, Thomas would be less or not Logical or have not much or no knowledge about things" Logan replied alot calmer, while Thomas looked up from his phone as he started to be interested

  "Oh, what about me?" Patton asked being the adorable lil' curious bean he is

  "Well, without you as his moral compass, he would think of the less moral things to do instead and sense your basically the heart he would be less expressive with his emotions" Logan replied as Patton looked at Roman who was looking at wall

  "without Princey Thomas would be less creative for things, less romantic-" Logan said looking at the other sides who were all looking away now aside from Patton who was looking at Roman and Virgil it was clear he wanted to say something to cheer up the mood so Logan let him talk

  "also, Virgil would probably go insane without his Princey" Patton said quite loudly so he could be heard; Roman and Virgil both looked at Patton, Roman had a confused face as he didn't understand what he meant but, Virgil was blushing like crazy

  "What? No, I-I'd be fine without him, not that I would want him to go, but I'm not that clingy to friends" Virgil said in a clear Panick as he tried to find a way to say 'no that's not true' without it being mean Patton and Logan knew that they clearly liked each other but Patton had convinced Logan to just let them find out themselves

  "Yeah, you keep telling yourself that kiddo" Patton said with a smile "I'm pretty sure you liked him sense the beginning" Patton said with a laugh as Roman finally understood what Patton was saying both him and Virgil both looked the opposite way of each other while clearly blushing

  "Ah," Roman said examining the room trying to find something else to look at aside from the other sides as Virgil put his hood up and started pulling on the strings, then started bitting his finger

  "Well, that question was answered aswell as a question I had a long time ago" Logan replied as he looked from the other sides back to the tv, Thomas grabbed a plush he had mainly for Virgil, a red fox that Virgil and Patton named Cherry, he gave it to Virgil so he would stop bitting himself, Thomas and the other sides had figured it was a distraction method Virgil used and they were right, Virgil just never confirmed it for them but that's what they'd been going with lately,

  "So, everyone good now?" Thomas asked as Virgil snatched Cherry from him after taking his hood of from over his head

  "Yes, very, kinda" Logan, Roman, and Patton Replied as Virgil replied with a nod as he leaned on the side of the couch

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