Concerns are raised

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   Virgil was sitting on the couch and scrolling through his phone, Patton and Logan were chatting about how Patton was worried for both Roman and Virgil now, and Logan was trying to keep him calm telling him both of them were going to be fine, something Virgil never told the others, but they had thought about it was that Virgil had real good hearing. He heard a noise from upstairs he couldn't tell where, but he decided to go check it out while Logan and Patton were busy talking. He left and walked upstairs when he got to the top, he could tell the noise sounded like someone reselling through stuff and it was coming from Roman's room, he thought maybe 'Princey's back', Virgil walked over to Princey's room he peeked in and saw Roman frantically going around his room as if he was looking for something, he paused, he noticed himself in the mirror and noticed a couple things as well as Virgil did too, his hair was messy and a bit unbrushed which was unusual for him, he had a couple cuts and bruises on his face, he in general looked a bit unkempt, and something Virgil could tell he was growing nervous, anxious, and worried.

"Man, If the others see me like this, they'll be sure to know something is up" he panicked before grabbing a comb from his desk and started running It through his hair,

He looked at himself in the mirror he seemed a bit calmer but still pretty anxious and worried, Virgil couldn't figure out what he was so anxious about if it wasn't due to Virgil himself, Roman grabbed some bandages from his closet and rolled up his sleeves as he did so, he started adding the bandages to the small cuts he had on his arms and his face, Virgil felt his face heating up as he looked at Roman. Roman rolled his sleeves down again, he looked at himself in the mirror again and looked over at his closet, it looked like he was debating whether to do something or not, when it seemed like he decided he walked over to his closet and opened it he looked past some stuff looking for something.

"Where is it, I know I put in here somewhere" he mumbled to himself, Virgil wanted to stay here, but he thought he should go tell Logan and Patton, Virgil walked downstairs.

"Princey's back you two!" Virgil yelled walking to the living room, he grabbed his phone off the coffee table, he heard Patton run upstairs as Logan called out his name, he paused and looked at Virgil who now had his hood up and lying down on the couch scrolling through his phone again,

"Are you emotionally alright, Virgil?" Logan asked, Virgil sat up a bit before looking at Logan, Virgil turned off his phone.

"Yeah, I'm fine" Virgil answered, Logan sat down on the couch next to Virgil.

"I can tell your lying, Virgil" Logan said, Virgil looked away from him, he mumbled something that Logan couldn't hear,

"of course, I'm upset, something is obviously wrong! Princey just randomly disappears then just comes back after a while, and when I saw him, his hair was messy, he had a couple cut and bruises on his face and arms, like, something has got to be wrong, right?" Virgil explained, he could feel himself getting overwhelmed and anxious, but he was too focused on what they were talking about to do anything about it, when he looked back at Logan, he was adjusting his glasses and looking the other way.

"Whatever it is, he'll be sure to tell us sooner or later" Logan said Looking at Virgil again he could tell he was getting stressed out, he was fidgeting with his hoodie strings, and he had his hood up to hide his face.

"Virgil you're getting stressed, you should try to calm down a bit" Logan replied, Virgil looked at Logan.

"Why? I don't want to calm down, at least not until I know Roman is ok!" Virgil snapped, Logan seemed a bit surprised it was pretty unusual for him to call Roman by his name instead of princey; Virgil stood up, grabbed his phone, and walked to the stairs.

"Tell me, If he tells" Virgil hissed before walking to his room, Logan Looked away, he could tell Virgil was upset at him and Princey; Virgil hates it when others keep secrets it makes him upset, and Logan telling Virgil to relax a bit was a bit of a fumble, he doesn't like being told what to or what he should do, Logan decided to wait for Patton to come back.

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