chapter 3

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(Brown cameraman) pov

I was wandering around trying to find something to do I have run into a couple hundred toilets but they are easy to kill, I stop walking when I hear their song but louder I look over at well the song is coming from it was coming from behind a couple of buildings then multiple of the buildings get destroyed and ten buildings size toilets come from the wreckage, I simply point my blaster at one of their Head and fire and completely destroy their head as I point and shoot two more blasts killing two more toilets, as I change sizes to my big from and walk over to them one of them charged at me and bit me as soon as he bit down on me his teeth instantly shattered, as I grab his mouth and rip his jaw off he starts to scream in pain as i move my fingers into his eye sockets as blood shots out of his mouth and eyes sockets as I kick him away from me and grab one of my hammers and crush one that was coming from behind me skull in as blood gets on my hammer I then point my blaster at two of them and the one I kicked away from me and shoot killing them, as the of rest of them charged at me one went in for a headbutt his head made contact with my body and it's head almost shattered as blood comes out, my claws behind my speakers stabs it in it's brain killing it as I swing my hammer at the one on the right and crush it's skull in as the last on rams into me but i didn't even move a inch it realize this and stats to black up, i rise my foot and kick it away as point my blaster at it and fire killing it

brownie (it's going to be his name): that was so easy is anything going to give me a challenge?

Disappointment clear in my voice, before I could leave I stop and turn around and see black Mist and a toilet comes out, the toilet itself has blood and guts on it, it has Orange colored eyes and it 4 rocket launches on him two, he looks at me and is shocked but quickly recoverys and shoots his rocket launches at me i allow them not expecting any damage their blow up he looks shocked that i had no damage from his point of view, but i look down ware he hit me and to my surprise I had a scratch on ware he hit it was the size of a paper cut, i look at with surprise on my face that he actually hurt me, I point my hand at him and activate my gravity gun bring him to me I was about to kill only for a thought to cross my mind,

I pin him to the ground and force him to look at me as a f/c light comes out of my eyes he slowly stops struggling and closer his eyes,then I feel a snap in my mind as he gets up revealing one orange and one f/c eye, I let him go as he gets up and blows down i let a smile cross my face only to stop and turn around as i see black Mist and out comes a toilet with gray eyes I recognize him as balance I quickly activate the electricity around me and send a message to ace the toilet I control he nods as he goes up to balance and starts to talk to him

(A couple minutes later )

After the talk balance starts to come closer to me and to look at me only to get hit on the back by ace he turns around to look at him and was about to talk in his language, I bring out my hammers and slam both into his back but it barely left the scratch realizing his defense was not a lie I quickly tackle him before he can do anything as I grab his head and force him to look me as a f/c light comes out his middle pal of arms try to stab into my side but it dose nothing as he points his guns at me and fire on me this also did nothing as he finely closes his eyes after a bit I feel a snap and when he opens them one was Gray and the other was f/c as I get off of him and help him up when he gets up he gets on a knee and blows down, maybe it won't be so boring

Pis im going to try for every chapter to be at least 400 words and the parts two I well try for at least 200

And 826 words in total

I was reborn as brown cameraman but I'm op Where stories live. Discover now