Chapter One: Jeremy's New Job

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Jeremy's POV

Today is the first day of my new job at Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria. As I drive into the parking lot, I think of what the Boss (the one that hired me) said: "Report to work on Sunday. One of your fellow employees, Mike Schmidt, will accompany you on your first day, well night, of your new job. Come to work early so that you may have the chance to explore the place a bit. Work starts at 12 AM". I came to work at about 11:28, a bit earlier than I had expected. I parked my car and walked into the pizzaria. I took a look around, noteing the many rooms and the things in them before walking into the office. I took a seat next to another man. He was slightly taller and looked a bit grumpy. I said in a shy manner "H-hi, I-im the n-new n-nightguard, J-J-Jeremy". Man, I haven't stuttered this much since I was a little kid!

Mike's POV

I took at seat in the office as I had to train the newbie. Ten minutes had passed before I said to myself "Where the heck is he?!". A few minutes later, another person walked in. He was wearing a uniform like mine, so I automatically assumed that it was the new nightguard. He had brown, poofy looking hair and green eyes. I though to myself " I would be super pissed if it weren't for the fact he was so.... cute... Wait, what? No, never mind!" He took a seat next to me and introduced himself. He was stuttering a lot, but I figured he was just a little shy when it comes to meeting new people, which is perfectly understandable. I said to him "I'm Mike Schmidt, but you can just call me Mike. Anyway, what took you so long?".

Jeremy's POV

The man introduced himself as Mike Schmidt. He then asked me "What took you so long?". I told him "I-I w-was looking around a-and got lost". He then started to chuckle. I said "What's so funny?" He replied "Oh, nothing. Anyway, your shift is gonna start soon, let me show you how to work the cameras and stuff". He gave me a tablet and showed me how to flip through the cameras. He also explained how I have to wind the music box to keep, well he said "it" from coming out. I didn't know what "it" was, but I wasn't going to be taking any chances. He then pulled out two spare Freddy heads and handed me one. He then explained how sometimes the animatronics wander into the office and whenever that happens, I have to put on the freddy head so that they would leave. Just when I was feeling sure about the job, he explained that the Freddy head only works on most of them. He talked about how to keep the old fox animatronic named foxy out of the office and explained that the freddy head doesn't work on "it" so I have to wind up the music box to keep it at bay. Finally, he explained that I had to shine a flashlight on the main hall and the vents so I could see the animatronics coming.

No ones POV

Jeremy started to sweat; it seemed like a lot of work to him. Mike assured him he would be fine and that they were gonna split the work anyway. Just then, the 12 AM bell rang, marking the beginning of their shift. Mike took the role of flashing the hall and vents, and Jeremy too, the role of winding the music box and watching the cameras. They encountered many animatronics wandering into the office, and each time they would put on the heads almost instantaneously. The two were like two peas in a pod; they were quite the pair. At the end of the shift, Mike high-fived Jeremy.

Mike's POV

Finaly, the shift has ended! Jeremy seemed to be a fast learner. This kid seemed nice, so I grabbed a post-it note on the table and wrote down my number. I then stopped Jeremy just as he was about to walk out of the office, since I was nervous, I just handed him the none and ran out of the office.

Jeremy's POV

As I was about to walk out of the office, Mike stopped me. He looked nervous and handed me a post-it note before running out of the office. I looked at what was written on the post it note.

Hey, I know I just met you

and this may seem crazy

but here's my number

333-333-3333 (making up a number here)

So call me maybe? :)

I smiled at the note and looked up. I decided I would try to catch up with him. I ran out of the office and found Mike walking slowly out of the pizzaria with his head down. I ran up to him and said " What happened? Are you ok?"

Mike's POV

I was walking toward the door when I heard a familiar voice call my name. I turned around to see Jeremy running to me. He then stopped and said "What happened? Are you ok?". I looked at him confused. I know I haven't known him for very long but I had never seen this part of Jeremy before! He looked concerned. At first I was confused, but then I realized I was walking with my head down. I said to him "Um, yeah, yeah......". He didn't seem so convinced. He said to me "You don't seem ok....". "Well, it's a long story...." I replied while looking down at my feet. He put his hand on my shoulder and said in a caring voice "I've got time. Now, tell me what's on your mind."

A/N: Thank you SO much for reading my fanfic. I put a lot of work into this! Sorry for kinda leavng it at a cliff hanger! But! If this story gets enough reads, I promise that I will upload another chapter! Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye! (Aka pinkie promise!) Again, thank you so much for reading it and I will see you guys in the next chapter! Bye!

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