Chapter Two: I'm So Sorry

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Mike's POV

I looked at Jeremy and began to talk "Long ago, when I was a little kid, about a year after the whole bite of 87' thing, me, my parents, and my older sister Doll were driving on the highway. We got into a giant car crash between about our car and four other cars. It was so big that everyone that hade been involved in it but me and Doll died. We ended up with severe injuries, but we ended up surviving despite being extremely close to dieing. On my 15th birthday, me and Doll got healthy enough that we could leave the hospital Until we could get jobs, we lived with our grandma. As soon we could, we got jobs at Freddy's and have been working there since."
When I was done talking, I noticed tears on Jeremy's face.

Jeremy's POV

I stared at Mike as he told his story. When he was done, I began to noticed hot tears on my face. I cried out "Oh, Mike! That's so sad!! I'm so sorry!!!"

No one's POV

Mike noticed he was starting to cry too. Mike pulled Jeremy into a hug and began to comfort him, caressing Jeremy's hair and speaking softly to him. God knows how long they stayed like that till Jeremy broke the hug and said "Hey, you need a lift?". As they walked outside, Mike replied "Sure I guess". They got into Jeremy's car, Mike thinking about how nice Jeremy's car was.

Mike's POV

We got into Jeremy's car. It's a nice car. I told Jeremy where I lived, and we talked as he drived to my house. When we got there, we said bye to each other. Jeremy looked a little sad to be leaving, so I hugged him and told him he could hang out at my house with me for a while. He smiled and we walked into my house.

A/N: So there you have it. Chapter Two. Stay tuned for the next chapter! Bye!

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