Im staying

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We were walking back to the hotel hand in hand and i was so scared that I had to leave my first boyfriend behind. Reed and i talked about it and we told eachother we would be unseperateable. We would facetime every morning and every night before bed. It seemed like it would work out... I hope it did. We were in front of the hotel's door. I stopped took a deep breath and squeezed Reed's hand. Then without thinking we kissed... For the first time and it felt perfect. I loved it and it was probably gonna be the first and last time i did this. We then let go and sighed. We stared into eachothers eyes. I will miss this soo much. I HATE THIS! WHY DO I HAVE TO STAY HERE?! UGHH! We walked in. The Deming's had their bags already outside the hotel room, and so did my family. I looked over at Reed and sighed. I hugged him and waved goodbye. I knew i would see him soon but soon sounded like a long time. TOO long. I let a tear slide down my cheek. I will miss him SO MUCH. But i'll see him again soon.



A/N: i CANNOT wait to write the sequel to this! Ahh! Im so excited. Hope you guys read it. I'll upload the first chapter probably tomorrow. Thanks for all of y'all who read. Well bye. See you SOON.

Never was supposed to happen(Reed Deming)Where stories live. Discover now