Chapter Two

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Everything felt like it was still a dream as I was escorted to his office and closed the door behind us. I sat down on the couch as he sat on the other couch, he was talking but I tuned him out and all I could focus on was him keeping distance from me. It always annoyed me when he did that, so finally I spoke up about it and asked. "Why are you so distant from me, most of the time?" He lifted his head somewhat shocked that I spoke up, his lip curled into a small smile as his eyes met mine he said, "because right now you are supposed to be my patient right now nothing else.

We have to play the game right otherwise we BOTH lose..." I frown and roll my eyes as I look the other way, crossing my arms and legs and asking. "You know what's so funny?" He looked at me somewhat aggravated with me as his nose twitched a bit and asked. "What?" I turned back to him and put on a smile and said, "that... the way you emphasized on the "BOTH" part.

Makes me wonder... If it was just me doing this shit alone, you wouldn't care if the game won or lost because you'd be off the hook and I took the bait..." He looked at me more annoyed and aggravated but I couldn't read him or his thoughts as he let out a sigh and moved over to the couch where I sat. Our legs touched briefly as it sent a chill down my spine as he touched and held mine. He leaned in close and said, "I am here to save you, and it's clear you're off your meds so you're over thinking more than you used to, I will see to that issue." I turn to look him in the eye as our noses touch and my free hand touches his face while he holds onto my other hand. I cup his face as I look into his cold, dark eyes, he took a deep breath as we sat there, just sitting there looking into each other's soul he then asked.

"What are you thinking about?" I kept looking at him as my cheeks flushed red and I asked. "Why would you like to know?" He chuckled softly as he moved closer as his free hand moved to my collar bone to my neck and massaged it, he looked so smug for a moment as a sinister grin appeared he would say, "Well, if you tell me what you want I can either grant it or you'll stay stuck like this for the rest of the time we have." I paused as his hand lightly squeezed and touched my neck he would lean in and whisper in my ear asking.

"What will it be, Ms. Raven?" His voice was so deep and magical as it echoed sending chills down my body, he knew the effect he had on me. Before he pulled away from my ear he chuckled near it sending chills down my spine down to my lower back. His face meets mine and I whisper, "you are cruel..." He looked satisfied with himself for a moment and whispered back, "I'm not so sure you would love me if I wasn't..." I smiled softly and said, "maybe but we'll never know... but since you want to know what is on my mind and what I want from you right now. I want you to get me the fuck out of here so we can go back to our life. That's what I want..." He let out a sigh and backed away from me and said, "and here I thought you wanted something lustful... how disappointing..." I roll my eyes as he sits away I look over at him and say, "sorry" I'm not turned on by seeing you in a jail where they want to kill me and I am sitting in here waiting on your word to get us the fuck out of here!"

He sighs and says, "listen, I know this place is discomforting but I found a way out and it took a lot of brainwashing, manipulation, and torture to get this person who will be arriving today to take your place and take all the blame. Making you under my "treatment" to make you better when you leave since I told them you told me everything they are depending on me to take care of you, setting you free. Hints why I asked for you to come here and why they haven't questioned you, you're free to come home..." I look at him amazed. I knew he loved and cared for me although he never said it. He saw the excitement on my face and said, "also I should add, that you will be taking the meds I have prescribed you when you get home. You have been overthinking and questioning everything I say or do.

It's unlike you and I don't like it..." I nod in agreement and he smiled and escorted me to my cell and watched me pack my things as I walked past the man who took all the blame. He seemed to be infatuated with me but only because Hannibal made him but I asked myself. Did he make that man the way he was to show me his true feelings for me, he put them in another person? Or was it to make it more believable to cover both our asses? I pushed those thoughts away and remembered that Hannibal doesn't like me questioning him or his movements, maybe he was right... I need to be grateful for all he's said and done for me and never question him again.

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