Chapter Twenty Three

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My mind was racing along with my heart at all these questions I was asking myself. He then pulled away from my neck and looked me in the eyes and said, "don't overthink things." He paused to think as he said, "here help me make lunch before I go back to work. How does that sound?" I smiled warmly at the idea and nodded in agreement as we got up and walked to the kitchen and got the kidneys from human remains of our victims as we began. It was quiet, but not awkward.

We were just focused on having everything right, Hannibal had always liked cooking silently unless it was facts about the dish he was making. He was very passionate with his dishes and art, and sometimes I had to admit I was jealous of the dishes and art, and most of the time I wondered. Would I be his dish and art one day as well? Although I never really knew what was in his mind, and I'm pretty sure even if I asked he wouldn't tell me the full thing. I hate lies, and I hate secrets but he makes them sound so pretty... Everything he does is amazing and breathtaking to me.

I kept cooking until my part was done and I sat back while he did the rest as I watched him. He looked at his victims' remains as if it was the most beautiful and treasurable thing on the planet. When we finally sat down when the work was done, we would eat as he always savored it, and I couldn't help but think. I wish he would savor our moments like he did his food and art... He always knew when I was in doubt, he looked up from his plate and said, "Raven, you did an amazing job today and I want to thank you for your help with the dish." I felt my heart flutter and my face burn as I heard that simple praise, and that was all I needed was his praise for my worries and deep thoughts to be swept underneath the rug for at least a while.

We finished our food as I helped clean up our lunch and before I could thank him as well, he had gone out the door and back to work and when I was left alone, that's when the thoughts and the darkness came back. I tried to brush them back underneath the rug but I kept missing bits and pieces. I was breathing heavily as I paced the living room when I heard the doorbell rang. I was caught off guard, but tried to bring myself together as I opened the door to see his therapist Dr. Bedelia I was caught off guard as my eyes widened and then settled down as I asked. "May I help you Dr. Bedelia?"

She smiled slightly as her eyes looked in mine as she said, "yes you can actually. May I come in?" I was hesitant, but stood to the side as I let her in and closed the door behind us. We sat on the couch as I said, "Hannibal isn't here, he went to work if you're looking for him." She put on a smile and said, "no, I am not looking for him, I was looking for you, I figured you'd be here like a dog waiting on its owner."

She chuckled to herself while I grit my teeth, biting my tongue as I laughed it off and asked. "What is it that you want?" She stopped and took a deep breath as she looked at the ring on my finger and said, "simple, I want you to call off the engagement..." I was taken back by this but remained calm as I asked. "Why should I?" She put on a fake smile as she fidgeted with her fingers and said, "you know as well as I that you are not cut out for whatever he has up your sleeve."

I tried to bite my tongue and hold in my words as I said, "I don't know what you think..." she then interrupted me and said, "I don't think I know Raven, he is a man with desires and hunger but you don't fill that desire and hunger, there is something greater than you that calls out to him. You are temporary, because you do as he says and what he wants when he asks you. To me that's pathetic and a new low, even for you... I never liked you, but I will not stand to see you rot in hell because he is slowly dragging you down with him because at the end of it all, when it's all over you'll be waiting for him no matter what he says or does to you. He'll drop you quicker than you think he would and whatever hope you latch onto will only disappoint you further down the road." I looked at her on the verge of tears as she spoke and once I calmed down I gave a response asking.

"What should I do then?!" She took a deep breath and moved closer to me and said, "drop him, before he drops you whatever he is up to will be destroyed and once he realizes you're never coming back is when a new plan is set, that will lead him to failure. Play his game for now, but once he gives you that one moment to shine, take it and use it to your advantage. You may feel like you owe him everything, that he is all you have left, but let me tell you a secret..." She paused as she leaned in closer and whispered in my ear, "he's been isolating you from everyone, making you feel like he's all you have left and that is why he is the master of manipulation and you're the fool who fell for it all." She then pulled away from my ear, her words still echoing in my ear, I was left speechless as she got up and said, "do what you will, and what you want but as a victim to another of his manipulation.

Don't let him seal your fate, instead seal his..." She then walked out the door, closing it behind her as I sat there in disbelief. My legs were weak, my thoughts were blank. I sat there for hours doing nothing but only processing. Hannibal then came back after a couple of hours as he saw my face as if I had seen a ghost and asked. "What is the matter?"

I then snapped out of it as I looked at the time, to see how much it passed by knowing I hadn't done much cleaning or housework. I turned to him hesitantly and said, "I-it's nothing..." he didn't buy it as he sat by me and reached to touch my cheek, but I pulled away before he could. He seemed shocked for a moment then collected himself and said, "if this is about the house work and dinner I can take care of it no problem." I looked at him with the saddest eyes and said, "I don't feel like doing anything, and don't bother, I'm not hungry. I think I'll go to bed early tonight..." I got up without saying another word as I walked carefully to the bedroom so I wouldn't fall, my legs still weren't working properly.

But once I made it to the bedroom and closed the door and got undressed, tossing my clothes on the ground, I laid down on my side of the bed and finally cried into my pillow until I fell asleep. I dreamt of something different that night. I was in Will's home in his bed as I saw Will's smile as he looked at me with the kindest and most genuine eyes I had ever seen as I reached out for him to hold me for comfort. His face became bloody and he started to cough up blood as his eyes grew darker and his smile disappeared as he choked on his own blood, I was scared and helpless. I didn't want him to have a terrible fate, all I wanted was for him to be happy, I knew I couldn't let Hannibal go through with his plan.

I woke up to Hannibal by my side. It felt weird to have him by my side in the mornings, he was a light sleeper so as soon as I moved to sit up his eyes opened quickly as he stared up at me and asked in his rusty, groggy morning voice. "Are you in a hurry to go somewhere?" I turned my head to him as I rubbed my eyes and said, "no I just had a bad dream, is all..." he chuckled softly as he pulled me down and next to him as he held me close and asked. "What was it about?" I didn't want to tell him the truth, but I knew I had to get better at lying to him if I was going to help Will, I said, "it was about my parents and how I killed them.

Aren't you supposed to go to work soon?" He seemed to buy it as he held me closer as our bodies touched and his hands roamed around my hair and said, "I asked to have the day off, so I could keep an eye on you, because we do have a wedding to plan and all." I let out a sigh, I was aggravated that he would be around me all day to plan which meant I wouldn't be able to help Will. I looked at him as our noses touched and said, "don't you have clients that will get angry for canceling their appointments." He smiled softly as he kissed my lips and said, "they will, yes but they must understand that I will be a married man soon and have bigger priorities than them."

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