(5) Deepest Desires

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Y/n's POV:

And so, the game begins. Of course, it's truth or dare...

Once we sit, we spin a bottle to figure out who will start first. It lands on one of the side characters, who asks a personal question towards one of the female leads (not Chizuru thankfully).


Around 20 minutes have passed and everyone is already half-drunk, bar me. Whenever I'm picked, I opt for 'truth' every time, just to lie, since most were about either body parts or my love life. Those disgusting perverts! I mean, sure, they're drunk, but all that does is show who they really are! I thought, while keeping track of what's currently going on


Another 20 minutes later and Chizuru has now been asked many, many questions, with many getting more and more personal. Luckily, she's been smart enough to just say 'truth' and then drink if she thought some were too private to answer. 

What worries me is that she's had quite a few drinks now, and just by looking at her, I see it's effects. She's not completely under, but she's definitely struggling to stay sober.

I look at the person to my other side, and they're practically lying on the floor, still choosing to play. I'm about to remove myself from the game, getting increasingly frustrated at the fact that no-one seems to care for their health.

Actor: "Ch-Chi-Chi-Chizuru, truth or d-dare~" They coo, stammering over their words as they sway side to side.

Chizuru: "...T-Truth..." She slightly slurs, faring better but not by much.

Actor: "A-Are you i-in lo-oo-ve with any-anyone?" They ask, now practically lying on the floor.

The first thing she does is clutch her chest tightly, seemingly in some sort of pain, I try my best to stop myself from panicking and going over to help here.

A few minutes pass as Chizuru just sits there, her face now more red than the entire room of drunken people combined. This leads to waves of weird, drunken laughter from everyone else, teasing her about her sudden silence. Eventually, her hand shakes as she takes one more drink...

...And now she's over the edge as well...


15 more minutes later, and everyone finally decides to call it a night, most of them crawling around the building as they're too intoxicated to properly stand up.

I quickly get up to leave, attempting to help Chizuru up. At first, she doesn't want to take my hand but she eventually relents. However, no matter how many times I help her up, she always falls down.

I look around the room, most people are at least out of the area at this point, so I brace myself before picking her up 'bridal style' and carry her up the stairs to our rooms. Eventually, I try to talk to her as I'm doing so, trying in anyway to understand why she would do something like this. 

Y/n: "Oh Chizuru, you really shouldn't have done that. When we walked before, I could tell something was off. Is it the same reason you decided to do this? And is that reason me? You know I'll leave if it makes you more comfortable, right?" I finish slowly, hoping she can process it all.

As I wait for her response, I stare at her face for a while. As much as I hate myself for thinking this while she's in such a state, I do so anyway; she's incredibly adorable at the moment, looking half-asleep half awake. The longer I stare, the harder it is to fight the urge to at least hold her face.

Luckily for me, the journey to our rooms wasn't that long and so I was able to stop myself. God, I love this girl... 

Y/n: "Alright. Chizuru, can you lend me you key so I can unlock the do-" I say, cutting myself off as I discover something...

She's fallen asleep... in my arms.

I spend far too much time outside our doors, my mind almost blank. I think of what to do. I could go into her bag myself and get the keys, but to do that, I'd have to put her on the floor...

Eventually, I decide on just unlocking my own door, as my key was in my pocket, which I was able to grab without having to drop the girl of my dreams. Speaking of which... I wonder what she's dreaming about now? Probably nothing, it most likely sleep drunkenness... I thought, as I manage to open the door, locking it behind me.

Now... I lay her on my bed, as she seemingly 'wakes up', still in an incredibly tipsy state, moving around. I lay out a spare blanket and pillow on the floor, where I'll be sleeping. This brings back memories. I thought, reminiscing over the time we made a move and had to sleep in the same room.

I eventually get comfy, wishing her goodnight as I get ready for the warm embrace of sleep.

Chizuru: "...W-Why~?" She hiccups, with quite the distressed look on her face.

"Why a-are you being s-so nice, even a-after 5 years apart?" 

I simply lay on the floor, shocked at her question. After some time, I manage an answer:

Y/n: "You're one of the people I hold dear to me." I reply, only causing her to thrash around in her bed, half-shouting at this point.

Chizuru: "Why, w-why, why! Why can't y-ou just make i-it easy for me to k-k-keep you in the friend-zone..." She splutters.

I was more stunned than ever before... is she really saying what I think she's saying? Wait, she's drunk. Although there's a big chance she's telling the truth, there's also the large chance that she's just delirious... I thought, weighing my options.

More thinking ensues, until I figure out my next course of action:

Y/n: "You... you like me... more than just a friend?" I ask, excited but cautious nontheless.

Chizuru: "Like you!? I love you! I-I can't stop thinking about you, and it hurts!" She almost screams as I slowly take her words in.

Y/n: "It hurts? If it hurts you keeping it in, then didn't you just tell me?" I reply with yet another question.

Chizuru: "Th-That's n-not what I m-m-mean... I want you... b-badly, but I c-can't b-bear to lose you... I-(hic) k-know it's-(hic) selfish, but if there's any ch-chance of use being apart, then I c-can't...

...It'll break me..." She ends very quietly, with tears flowing out of her face.

I spend a while, thinking for a solution while trying not to let my emotions get the better of me. There's so many ways my brain wants me to go about this. Sadly, I take a little too long and she speaks once again:

Chizuru: "...I want y-you, by my s-side forev-for-forever..." She finishes, crying a little more afterwards.

Truth be told, I'm also on the verge of tears at this point, but I've got to hold it in. I have the answer. I couldn't do it before, since, though I was well-off financially, I wasn't rich enough, but I can do it now. Screw it, whether she's drunk or not, I'll at least let her know:

Y/n: "If you want me... then you can have me... forever." I say, causing her to gasp.

Chizuru: "B-But w-what if-" 

Y/n: "I'm more than rich enough to buy a place abroad to wherever you go. You don't have to worry about that. I'll be with you, no matter where. After all...

I love you too." I confidently answer her.

Wait, why do I hear snoring?


She's asleep...

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