Chapter 2

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Once Taylor was at the closet, she let the towel drop as she reached for a suitable piece of clothing. Usually people chose something comfortable, but she didn't live a life where comfort was an option. So she reached for a tight dress and stockings that Taylor slid down her legs, which were nothing but skin and bones, making her feel sick again.

They were leaving for London today for some event. Honestly, she didn't care where they were going. Her bags were already packed with everything she needed, so she had nothing to worry about. Taylor just needed to follow, and it seemed easy enough for her to do so.

She would be briefed on what they would be doing in the city later when they were sitting on the plane sipping champagne in first class. Taylor didn't like leaving New York. But with the law firm expanding overseas, she didn't have much choice.

Besides, he needs his arm, his trophy wife, to flash in front of his disgustingly arrogant, egotistical, narcissistic friends. And, of course, in front of the media it needed to be present too.

Oh, how she couldn't wait to flash her polished smile when there were photographers everywhere, shoving their annoying loud cameras in her face. She couldn't wait for his obnoxious arm around her waist as they posed for pictures, acting like the perfect couple they definitely weren't.

Maybe he thought they were, but she knew they weren't.None of it was right and far from perfect. But it's all for the cameras, right?

It was hard to turn the page when Taylor knew the suffering wouldn't end on the next, or the next, or the next hundred. When she knew every chapter would be the same. But the story must continue whether the main character was happy or not. Taylor wasn't, but no one cared.

Fully dressed, she made her way down the spiral staircase to the lower level where the butler was already loading their luggage into the car. She knew she only had ten minutes left, which she should use to eat the breakfast prepared for them. But she felt her stomach turn over at the mere thought of food going into her body, so without thinking, Taylor grabbed a glass and filled it with water. This was going to be her breakfast until they got on the plane, because she would have to eat something there, even if she didn't want to. She knew she would do what she was told, as she always did.

The mansion where they lived in was, in her opinion, too big. It was something she realized over and over again as she walked through it to pass the time. Even so, the mansion wasn't big enough for Taylor to hide in. It was as if the walls were watching her every move, her every breath. There was furniture, mostly old wooden furniture that Taylor hated with all her being, the staff running around like a flock of sheep scared of a wolf behind a fence. She used to be afraid of him too, but then she got used to it.

It wasn't a home. Legally, Taylor owned half of it, since she and the owner had gotten married and bought the house together. But it wasn't a home. Because even though legally it belonged to her as much as it belonged to him, she felt like a stranger there. Nothing kept her there, nothing made Taylor feel safe and at peace. To her, it was just a building she was "lucky" enough to live in, and for that she should be grateful, because who could live in a mansion in the most luxurious part of New York City. There was nothing that felt like home.

He liked it here; he'd grown up here, it was his hometown, and he wouldn't move for a stupid woman who didn't know anything about the world.The fact that she had a degree from one of the most prestigious Ivy League schools didn't mean she knew any good.

Taylor wanted to live somewhere else. But not in England. She didn't want to ruin the good memories she had there with new ones, so she had no choice but to leave them behind. Oh God, anywhere but England. Taylor wanted to stay as far away from that place as possible.

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