We Make A Little Pit-Stop

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When Jacket awakes the car is stopped and Calypso is no longer sitting next to her. She immediately turns around to see Stella and Nico still passed out, but Leo is not there. She takes a breath knowing that Stella is still asleep. She really didn't want to have that conversation right now. 

She opens the door and steps out of the car. Calypso must've parked the car in a five guys driveway. Jacket looks around to make sure no one is watching and walks over to the car wash next door. 

She pulls the gold drachma that she had stolen from Nico out of her pocket. "O' Iris, accept my offering," She says into the mist "Show me Calypso". The water shimmered revealing Calypso having a peaceful conversation with two kids. One had darker skin and hair and the other had light skin, multicolored hair, and a British accent. They talked quietly in the Five Guys to make sure no one overheard 

Jacket swiped the Iris message and walked back over to the Five Guys. She stood a little straighter as she walked inside.  

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