ch 10: Doodles

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I don't know how to actually care for a cat's fractured ribs. I tried Googling it but I didn't get much info. So I'm winging it because i barely have time to write, let alone research right now.

All this is for a fictional situation and should probably NOT be used in real life.

Just wanted to be clear, I'm not a doctor. I don't know what I'm doing. Don't take this seriously.

Also, I haven't proof read this, so if you see a mistake, please tell me.

Hope you enjoy. :3


Flug took Blackhat to the vet.

Blackhat was furious!

Not at Flug; he understood that Flug just wanted to be sure he was going to live, which was... nice. Made him feel fluttery in his chest. Probably because of the broken ribs.

But he was furious that he had to go in the first place! Flug put him in a pet carrier, saying he couldn't get in without it. And while the small space made him feel hidden and safe, (weird), he was still against it.

When they got there, Blackhat's senses were assaulted, from the chemical smell of hand sanitizer, to the muffled dogs in the back rooms crying. Usually, the sound of distress was a pleasant melody he liked to listen to, now it set off alarms in his head. A part of him, the unfamiliar part he referred to as "annoying voice" (his mortal cat instincts), made him squish himself as far back into the carrier as he could. The other part, the one he was most familiar with, felt he was being completely irrational. He couldn't think of any reason that would justify this reaction.

He was with Flug. Flug wouldn't hurt him. Because if he did, Blackhat would destroy him in the slowest, most painful way possible.

It didn't matter if he was a cat or his maleficent self, he would do it.

Flug calmly greeted a person behind a counter, Blackhat couldn't see who but could listen from the lowered carryer. The person told them "the doctor will see you shortly," and they gestured to the seats nearby.

Flug was wearing different clothes than his usual style. He had to barrow some of Demencia's wardrobe: ripped jeans, a black turtleneck tank top, and a dark green hoodie with a cartoon croc' on the back. Even his mask was different; a simple beanie with eye holes in it and his goggles.

(I figured that in the universe of Cartoon Network, costumes would be normal and not questioned.)

He wore this disguise as to not cause a panic in the place. Especially since it was only two weeks ago the world almost ended because of him.

Blackhat growled in displeasure as Flug took his seat and remained patient. Sensing Blackhat's anger, Flug reminded him that people were still recovering from the "almost-apocalypse" and that's why things were running so slow.

Which was a stupid excuse. He kept his word. He didn't kill or destroy anything when Flug was returned. It wasn't his fault the humans wrecked their own stuff.

When the veterinarian called them back Blackhat prepared himself for the worst.

(He wasn't prepared.)

Flug set his crate on a table and opened the bared door. Blackhat didn't crawl out.

As soon as the door to his small box cage was opened Blackhat was doused in that prickly, cowardly feeling again. He didn't understand why he felt this or want to act this way, but he stayed in the safety of the crate.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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