bfdi cats 9 (february 2021)

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there is actually a lot of interesting information abt this one

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there is actually a lot of interesting information abt this one

you might notice a very apparent and sudden uprise in quality. this is because it's the first bfdi cats drawing where i did not use my trackpad for the lineart! (i drew it with my finger instead)

another thing, it's the second AND third instance of a bfdi cats character having a canonical breed! while i was not that good at showing it back then, gellycat is a munchkin and lollicat is a savannah cat. (i wanted to pick a very small cat breed and a very large one) the other instance of a select breed was actually that woodycat is a scottish fold

and lastly, they are both like... major plot points for the bloodbath au, due to... a lot of things actually (i'll probably talk abt that later)

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