a doodle of twocat (idk sometime 2021)

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wow, the first one without a transparent background

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wow, the first one without a transparent background

so this kinda just depicts twocat. but the main part is that it shows that twocat is actually missing an ear, something that i didnt get to show in bfdi cats 10 due to the perspective

their backstory in bloodbath is that they killed ppl, wiped out an entire subspecies, fourcat got mad, and went "hippity hoppity your powers are now my property" and took half of their power, and also their ear lol

also fourcat defended x-cat, the last remaining member of said subspecies (the algebralians that are not numbers), which is how they met and became friends (although fourcat is quite manipulative towards x-cat in bloodbath and is mostly using them for not cool things)

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