Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 Fluttershy POV
Rarity then looks at me.
"Oh hi, I'm Rarity!" She greets, I shyly wave. Next comes a guy with green hair, he's holding two backpacks and is smiling happily.
"Rarity! Spike isn't your pack mule! Treat my cousin with respect!" Twilight says to Rarity.
"It's ok Twilight I'm strong," he looks at me, "who's this?" He asks.
"I'm Fluttershy," I say barely above a whisper, he waves.
"I'm Spike," he greets, when the AJ huffs.
"I guess Rainbow is going to miss lunch, again," she sighs, when the bell rings.
I walk to my next class PE alone, as I open the door someone smacks into me.
"Oh sorry!" I squeak, I open my eyes to a girl with rainbow hair and is wearing it in a messy ponytail.
"It's ok," she stutters, when we finally notice that were still on the ground, she's on top of me, noses almost touching.
"I'm Rainbow Dash," she greets, holding out her hand.
"Fluttershy," I say, smiling at her while shaking it.
She has a interesting color of eyes, I can't even describe them, they're so pretty!
"Aw cool well I'll see you around!" She says walking awkwardly away.

Rainbow Dash POV
Wow. I couldn't even breath.
She was gorgeous, her hair was a light pink, her skin was white as snow, her eyes were like the sea.
"Ms. Dash pay attention to class!" Says the annoying ass teacher, I nod as the class tries to cover their giggles.
After class I saw her, she's talking to Laurie, one of the seniors here who's a total bitch.
"Look Flutter-prick I have cheerleading practice and can't take you to that hellhole of a home," she says, I could tell Fluttershy was almost in tears.
Laurie walks away, and leaves the heart breaking girl at the corner.
I walk up to her, she stares at me.
"Oh hey Rainbow Dash, what's up?" She asks, wiping away her tears.
"Nothing much, just about to head home, wanna hang out?" I say, a smile is planted on her face.
"Sure, could I borrow your phone to call my aunt," she asks, I nod handing it to her. She dials a number.
"Hey this is Fluttershy, I was wondering if I could go home with my friend?" She asks, she then nods to me as she hands it to me.
So we walk to my car, she sits in side seat.
Hey guys so here's chapter 3!

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