Chapter 2

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Mira POV

Its been several days since the encounter with Marcus i've had John keep tabs on him from a distance. Today I have a buisness meeting with with a newer tech company. They have been wanting to negotiate a deal between my company and theirs. I got into my buisness clothes and me and Alexa left our hotel room and went down to where the Limo was waiting.

We got into the back while my other bodyguard sat in the front with the driver. Once we get settled I motion to the driver and he takes off towards the meeting area. As were driving I can't help but look out towards the busy New York streets where humans and Anthros walking or talking to each other. It takes me back to my school days before we turned into stupid idiots. As i'm remembering I feel a hand on my shoulder I turn my head and see Alexa giving me a knowing look.

Alexa: You ok?

I just sigh and nod sadly.

Mira: Yeah i'm good just remembering the good old days before everything went wrong

Alexa: Yeah I know what you mean..... I keep thinking about why we did everything we did to everyone at school and to Marcus and I always come up with Nothing.

Mira: Yeah me too

We don't talk for the rest of the drive. After about half an hour we arrive at a pretty decent looking office building. Me and Alexa step out of the Limo and head inside. I walk over to the reception desk and see a young female fox fur typing away on her computer.

Mira: Hi there I'm here to talk with Mr Fang?

The fox Anthro jolts up a bit in surprise before fixing herself

Receptionist: Oh you must be Ms Sharkson?

Mira: yep thats me but please call me Mira

Receptionist: Well Ms Mira I'll call up and tell Mr Fang your here

Mira: Thank you

I walk back to my seat as the Fox Anthro grabs the phone on her desk. I sit back down next to Alexa who is typing away on her phone. Ever since we told the girls back home they've been calling constantly wanting updates.

After waiting for another 5 minutes the elevator dings and out comes a buff looking Tiger Anthro dressed in a black suit steps. He smiles and walks towards us.

Mr Fang: Mira Sharkson glad you could make it. I'm Alexander Fang but you can call me Alex

Mira: Its nice to meet you Alex you can call me Mira and this is my friend and assistant Alexa

Alexa: Sup

We shake hands before he leads us towards the elevator. Me and Alexa stand towards the back of the elevator as Alex stands in front of us. After a few minutes we arrive at the eleventh floor. We step out into an office where people were busy typing away or talking on office phones. We walk past everyone and arive at a big office. Alex opens the door and holds the door ushering us in.

Alex: Please have a seat, Can i get you anything water,coffee

Mira: No thank you were fine

Alex: Ok well lets get down to buisness then

Mira: Agreed.... So what is it you want from my company?

Alex: Well this company is still pretty new and small so I want to have a contract with your shipping company to help my company grow.

Mira: Hmmm what do we get out of it?

Alex: You'll get a cut of the profits and some of the clients will be getting

We're Sorry!!! (Male Human OC x Tall female furry Harem)Where stories live. Discover now