9 : Fated One

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Chan's P.O.V

"Hello, Felix did you get anything?," I asked him

"I think it's him," he answered with certainty in his tone.

"Do we still follow the plan? Chan hyung, I am sure that he is the one, I can feel the bond. Even though it's not evident, I can feel my aura reciprocate with his," with desperation he said.

"We still haven't confirmed it Felix, It's better to be safe than sorry. Let's continue on the plan till all the seven of us are sure about it." I said in a commanding tone.

"It's about our mate after all," I said smirking.


Flashback (Night of meeting)

The seven members of the student council were gathered over at their hideout for today's meeting. All are situated comfortably the chairs made of soft bushes with the same kind of table in front of them.

Chan who was at the center of attention, discussed the issues of the academy, starting from the major to the minor ones. While the members gave out their suggestions. With the ending coming near, the topic of the only human Sarah Park came into the play.

"So, what are we gonna do now since that human already has a possessive vampire of a mate by her side? I don't think she needs our protection," Changbin stated nonchalantly.

"Exactly, her mate looks like she will murder us if we get any close," Han exclaimed dramatically.

"Not like we are doing it out of our will," Minho said pissed.

"About that, I have talked with President Kim. Apparently, he didn't know about her mate and said that we don't have to follow the previous request but he did tell me to keep an eye on her, just in case." Chan said indifferently.

"Less burden I guess," Jeongin said with a sigh.

"Is there any other issue to be discussed before we disperse?" Chan asked.

"Well, there is one thing," Hyunjin stated as the others gave their attention to him.

"The Sky Choi was able to enter our hideout by himself without any help from us seven," Hyunjin said smirking while others were in a state of shock and disbelief except for Han and Felix.

"Seeing Han and Felix's expressions, they already seem to know," Hyunjin said again eyeing them with amusement.

"Sky told us about it over dinner time" Jisung stated.

"Since when did you start eating with him" Minho asked.

"He's my cute roommate, of course I would eat with my puppy" Han sassed.

"Lovey-dovey with him already huh~" Felix teased with a glint of jealousy.

"Stop with your nonsense already!!! Hyunjin explain the whole situation without leaving anything out" Chan demanded.

"Well long story short, I became friends with him and wanted to show our hideout to him-"

"You showed him our hideout because of this stupid reason?!!" Minho exclaimed.

"Don't cut me when I am talking hyung!!! And anyways I am still angry for making me act like an idiot in front of sky!!!" Hyunjin shouted being the drama llama he is.

"Oh come on it at least worked, he became your friend" Minho gave out a mocking smile.

"No it didn't, he pointed out me being corny. And when I told him the reason he comforted me and said that he would love to be friends with me" Hyunjin said with pride.

"Shut it both of you before I put extra work on your shoulders" Chan threatened as they both stopped their bickering.

"Hyunjin continue" Chan ordered.

"After I entered the maze I told him to enter the door on his own while I was on the other side of it. I was just trying to prank him but surprisingly he entered without any conflict. I was also baffled at first but then I noticed how I felt the bond between us so I concluded that he was my mate. Our mate" Hyunjin said with a hint of happiness in his tone.

Others were watching hyunjin smile like a love fool as they tried to comprehend the situation.

"So he is our mate..?" Jeongin said slowly.

"It seems so, honestly I also felt a pull from him. A desire to make him mine but I didn't give much thought to it. Now that I hear about it, it seems like we are meant to be" Han said happily.

"But can we be sure about it, I mean what if some other kind of magic gave him the power to ignore the rejection from the spirit," Changbin said with uncertainty.

"We all know very well that the spirit is the most powerful and divine one as it is one of fate's spirits. It won't let anyone pass, not even the powerful President Kim can enter it. Cause it is waiting for our mate, so we are complete. Therefore I don't think it is the case as we know sky can't use magic." Felix stated.

"Felix is right but we can never be too safe," Chan said.

"What will we do then Chan hyung?" Jeongin asked.

"From now on we will be keeping an eye on Sky, each of us will be spending time with Sky. If all of us feel the bond, we'll conclude that he is our mate and treat him like one" Chan said with a domineering tone.

"Do all of you agree with this" Chan asked.

"Yes, we do" All except Chan answered.

"Disperse" Chan stated.

End of flashback

A/N's P.O.V

After the long science lecture, it was finally time for Seungmin to fill his stomach. Today's lunch was quite a special one. Seungmin being the foodie he is took a good amount of food while searching for an empty table to sit in.

He found one near the flower pots. With a smile on his face, he sat on the seat. He was feeling happy for some reason. Just when he thought he could have an enjoyable lunch alone, someone sat in front of him. And said

"Hey love, thought I would eat with you since you look so lonely ~~" mockingly with a sickly sweet smile.

'One peaceful meal was all I asked for but fuck. The damn Lee Minho had to come' Seungmin screamed on the inside.


Hello hello, the pathetic writer is back. Sorry for the lateness and enjoy😁😁😁

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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