Chapter Three

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"Hey dude," Josh says, patting Clint on the back.

"Do all the girls and well pretty much everyone in this school, follow what Veronica says?" Clint asks curiously.

Josh thinks for a moment before replying. "I would say so. Well everyone except me and Tyler and sometimes Lilly but right now, looks as if even she is under the bitches thumb." Josh says.

"How come she hasn't done anything bad to you guys."

"That's because she knows better," Tyler says, coming up behind Josh. "Majority of the school knows not to mess with us. All except that new nerdy kid, Jackson. He doesn't seem to get the message yet."

The boys continue to talk, ignoring the bell. After a while, they decide to head to class. Clint walks into the English class, Mrs. McAndrews yells at him the minute he walks into the classroom. He just ignores her, which makes her even more infuriated. He looks over at Lilly, her blonde-brown hair, hanging over her face, causing him not to be able to see her face, which he was disappointed by.

He couldn't deny the feelings that he felt for Lilly. She was beautiful, kind, and funny and she could stand up for what she felt was right. He also always had the urge to protect her from anything or anyone. He starts walking over drops his stuff by the desk and sits down. Lilly looks up, her eyes going wide when she sees him.

"Clint, what are you doing?" Lilly whisper yells.

"Sitting down. What does it look like peaches?" Clint whispers back, a smirk on his face.

Lilly looks at Clint, familiarity washing over her. That smirk seemed so familiar to her. She was brought out of her trance when the teacher, yells at a boy that was being rude.

"You good?" Clint suddenly asks.

"No, I am not. You need to stay away from me. You can't sit here." Lilly says.

"What has Veronica said to you that has scared you so much?"

"What makes you think Veronica said something to me?" Lilly asks back defensively.

Lilly looks down at the desk. The threats were only the start with Veronica. Veronica wanted Clint to be her boyfriend but Clint said no. Veronica blames Lilly and has now gotten physical with her threats. The beatings that she was giving Lilly were bad. But it was never where anyone could see it and if it was then Lilly would do her best to cover it.

"Clint this all has to do with me. I don't see why you are even concerned with me." Tears pricked Lilly's eyes when she finished the sentence.

"Lilly, is your lip okay?" Clint just realized that Lilly had a cut lip.

Lilly immediately cursed under her breath as her tongue darted out and licked her lip. "I ran into the lockers this morning. It's nothing."

The rest of the lesson was quiet between the two. Even in Biology. Lilly was quiet which concerned Josh. She was a good student and didn't talk all the time in class but he hadn't even gotten three words out of her. Recess came about and Clint went to find Tyler and Josh.

"Something has seriously spooked Lilly," Clint says when he finds his friends.

"I think it's more than that now," Josh says. "Veronica has said stuff trying to get under Lilly's skin before but she has never been this quiet before. She didn't even say three words to be in Bio."

"When she comes to lunch, we need to squeeze everything out of her. Whether she wants to or not." Tyler says. "We need to know what's going on."

Lilly shut her locker, heading to the bathroom to fix up her hair. She had just walked in when someone's fist connected with her jaw, causing her to stumble back and fall onto the ground. Lilly gasps, holding her jaw. She sees Veronica's two closest friends, smirks on their faces. Veronica then comes out from the back corner of the bathroom, a similar smirk on her face. True terror went through Lilly.

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