I quickly swung open my eyes only to see a dim lighted room. I was in a bed. I wasn't tied up. "What?" I wipsered every quietly. "HaHaHaHa" I heard a deep mans voice laugh. "Let me leave please. Were am I? Why did u take me?" I asked not scarred for some reason. "Well good morning to you to." The man spoke. He slowly approached the end of the bed. Still standing there he spoke, "What's your name?" I quickly answered "K-Kat. Who are you?" He pushed his long blond hair behind his ears and wispered "Braedy" he quickly looked at me and smirked. He had shoulder length blond hair and bright blue eyes ocean blue eyes. He looked about 6 foot about my size. I'm 5 foot 8 inches. He wore a black hoodie and dark blue jeans. He grabbed my ancle and said, " I'm sorry I took u but I'm just, s-so lonely. I promised I won't hurt u. How old are u an-anyway?" "17" I calmly replied. "Im 19." He spoke. He then walked out of the room only to return with a bowl of cereal. "Eat." He nicely spoke and left the room with a sad look in his eyes.

Ok To Be Missing
RandomEver herd of the girl who gone missing? well that's me. I'm Katlyn May Harvey but I go by Kat as in Cat but with a K. I have shoulder length black curly hair. I have purple eye and one red one. its some disease. I'm kinda a stupid reject loner. I ha...