When I awoke I seen Braedy rushing around the living room shaving things into bags. "What's going on" I asked curiously. "Were moving, leaving, now" he said in a panic. He threw me my bags which had his close that don't fit him that he gave me. We soon left the house and ran threw the woods only to find a small cabin. It was small on the outside. When we went into the house it was huge. Bigger than Braedys old house. We threw our stuff down and headed to our rooms. I threw on a pair of close that Braedy gave me. It was a males grey tank top, some black sweatpants, and a black beenie with white stripes. After I threw it on I headed downstairs. I found Braedy on the floor in the living room setting up the game station and TV. As soon as he seen me he got up and pulled me into his arms. "Go upstairs OK." He whispered. "Why. Br-Braedy, what's going on. Tell me." I demanded kindly. "I'll tell u later now go I'll be there in a sec." He answered and I rushed upstairs into his room as demanded. He soon rushed upstairs too and told me to hide in the closet and that hell me in there too. So we both step into the closet and turned on the light. We hid behind some old close. "Brady, why r we hiding?" I asked. "C-cops" he answered. "Oh" was all I could make out until Braedy pulled me close to him when we Heard voices. "Looks like no ones here boss." A voice said as they left the house. I sat there and thoght my new life. My new home.

Ok To Be Missing
RandomEver herd of the girl who gone missing? well that's me. I'm Katlyn May Harvey but I go by Kat as in Cat but with a K. I have shoulder length black curly hair. I have purple eye and one red one. its some disease. I'm kinda a stupid reject loner. I ha...