Prolouge:A rebirth of a deity

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"Hi" means talking
'Hi' means thinking
Hi means author notes
¤-------¤ means the end and start of a flashback


   The feeling of coming into existence felt wierd. And being able to feel the rough and slightly smooth bark of the wood felt pleasent, like, it was supposed to feel like an extension of the body, and being able to hear the song being sang by birds, bees, deers, the wind, the fishes in the river, different animals and leaves to welcome the resurrection and return of the Mother of nature. And to smell the slight dampness of the grass and leaves of trees after seven days of neverending light and heavy rain to prepare the world for the arrival of the rebirth of nature.

And finally after awhile of getting used on the bombardment of senses, the newly ressurected deity decided that it was time to open their eyes to take on the new but familiar and nostalgic view.

  Four bright emerald green eyes take in the surrounding around her in awe, giddyness and wonderment, the divine and soothing energy buzzing in the atmosphere felt like home.

   Eyes locking on a -magenta with specks of light pink- berry like orb hanging from a small branch of the cherry blossom tree recognition overtook the expression of the small deity 'Huh. hmm, looks like my compressed knowledge is still intact, if it is what i think it is then, i'll just absorb it little by little later on' thought the pink haired deity.

  Getting up from the nest like crevice of the large cherry blossom tree, the pinknette took a sitting position collecting her bearings and getting used to balance her bodyweight -again and again and again- because of her six arms.

   Getting up proved to be a bit of a chore because of her not being yet used with her six arms 'Hahhhg having six arms is a little annoying..............hmm I can always dematerialize four of my arms but if I do that without getting myself used to the change in balance then how can I call myself a higher being. Sigh i'll just have to get used to it then' thought of the slightly annoyed (a human feeling, a being like her couldn't possibly know-feel something so vulnerable, right?) deity.

    Standing on top of the nest like crevice of the Fifty-five feet tall cherry blossom tree the pink-haired child deity walked closer to the edge of the nest and looked down towards the ground 'Maybe I should absorb some of my compressed knowledge to know why there's something foreign circulating inside the other trees and plants' thought of the pinkenette.

   Walking towards the center of the nest like platform to the magenta orb and touched it with one of her arms to absorb some of her compressed knowledge that the former 'her's' collected, the supposed knowledge is more of,  memories that was preserved to be used by the new ressurected version of herself.

    Magenta-ish pink wisp like things flowed from the orb onto the circular flower with a diamond in it's center tattoed on her forhead, absorbing the knowledge that was needed to understand the familiar yet unfamiliar world and it's beautifulness and it's cruelties.


    The sight of the moon shining brightly in the dead of night, a sight so hauntingly beautiful and dreadful for some, there came a sight beyond the capabilities of the ordinary human mind leaving stunned humans who were standing guard outside of their compounds, others inside their homes watching the moon, or the others taking a simple night walk were stunned of the once in a lifetime phenomenon.

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